Recent content by eXorikos

  1. E

    Job Skills Medical physics: additional training

    Is there any other training you would recommend? I don't know what your field is exactly.
  2. E

    Job Skills Medical physics: additional training

    Thanks for the fast reply! The position I'm in is a bit more special. I graduated as a master in nuclear physics, I went to work in nuclear engineering for 5 years, I didn't really like it that much, wanted to switch to medical physics which I already have a taste of at university, I combined...
  3. E

    Job Skills Medical physics: additional training

    I've been working as a medical physics expert (still not really an expert, I have the EU to thank for the name) for more than a year now and I have just finished all the relevant academic training and internships. However, I like to learn new things, be it in the hospital or the university. So I...
  4. E

    I Probability density of an exponential probability function

    But if the pdf is: μe-μr/4πr2, then the integral r=0 to infinity is undefined, where it should be unity if it is a pdf.
  5. E

    I Probability density of an exponential probability function

    Thanks for the correction. I haven't done any real mathematics in years, so I'm sure I'm missing a lot. 1-P(r) is the cummulative probability for the sphere of radius r. p(r) = P(r)/4πr2 and the singularity at r=0 is a problem. I need to convolve this pdf with a guassian pdf.
  6. E

    I Probability density of an exponential probability function

    p(r) is the pdf I want to calculate starting from P(r). What is wrong with the expressions?
  7. E

    I Probability density of an exponential probability function

    I have a model where the probability is spherically symmetric and follows an exponential law. Now I need the probability density function of this model. The problem is the singularity at the origin. How can I handle this? P(r) = ∫p(r) dr = exp(-μr) p(r) = dP(r)/(4πr²dr) One way I tried to...
  8. E

    Small pipe break for an ideal gas

    Good points. Than I have no idea on how to approach this problem. Can you point me into a direction?
  9. E

    Small pipe break for an ideal gas

    Since the whole exercise is symbolic, let's assume size A which is small. Than the equation I mentioned would give the velocity, we have A and I can find the density using the total state of the system. Is this correct?
  10. E

    Small pipe break for an ideal gas

    Yes. Do you need size of the break?
  11. E

    Small pipe break for an ideal gas

    Homework Statement A large tube filled with an ideal gas at pressure p1 and temperature T1 has a small break in it towards an envirronement at p2, with p1 much larger than p2. What is the flow rate through the hole to the outside of the tube. Homework Equations pv=rT Δh+Δc2/2=δq-δl h1 + c12 =...
  12. E

    Dismantlement of Nuclear Power Plant (Canada)

    I have worked on the planning of the dismantling of 2 NPPs. There are at least 2 facilities that would do this. One in Finland and one in the USA. Also, you have to account for the volume of high radiactive waste that you no longer have to store. This is by far the largest factor to take into...
  13. E

    Dismantlement of Nuclear Power Plant (Canada)

    Operators are convinced and consider this a good way to recycle the RPV. For the other primary components surface treatment (chemical and physical) is considered sufficient for free release.
  14. E

    A Possible tetraneutrons at RIKEN

    I'm unsure why this news has not been more widely spread. Research at RIKEN appears to have confirmed the existence of the tetraneutron. Is this due to a suspicion of flawed methodology or is there just no interest?
  15. E

    Dismantlement of Nuclear Power Plant (Canada)

    It actually isn't. It is withheld as a method to decrease the waste volume. Most radioactive elements will either have gaseous release or will accumulate in the slug. You can cope with both. The result is a metal which is ready for normal release and a part which is disposed of a radioactuve waste.