Recent content by ewq

  1. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    thanks for your patience with me guys. I though what is usually referred to as tidal gravity is just varying grav field? i will reserach this a little more but as ligo application goes this clarifies a lot the part about laser redshifting was never an issue, that is pretty clear to me i think
  2. E

    I Relativism & Reality: Finding Length in Space

    mhh... the usual non-answers, I heard them all already They broadly fall into on of three different categories: -i don't know the answer so i will pretend that this is such a basic question whuch is beneeth my knowledge level and will just point you to some high school textbooks -they are real...
  3. E

    I Relativism & Reality: Finding Length in Space

    Do you regard relativistic effects to be physically real or just apparent (kind of like optical illusion caused by distorted information one is receiving)? To prevent endless entanglement in "define physically real" arguments imagine this: two spaceships moving inertially relative to each...
  4. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    every gravitational field has effect on clocks? don't know the exact math but i remember i read somewhere that time dilation on Earth because of moons influence is about 1 sec per 200000 yrs
  5. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    of course it does, but point taken -negligible when compared to what it does to oceans...
  6. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    no matter- why wouldn't tidal gravity affect my clock? don't say that sinusoidal effect averages out to zero because the same argument could be used for distance
  7. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    I thought that the sole point of intricate suspension was to isolate the mirrors from external disturbances (seismic, thermal etc), didnt occur to me that it also allows it to move independently from the ceiling. So in essence the mirror is a pendulum and the grav. wave will "swing" it as it...
  8. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    not sure what was the goal of this post? the reality behind physical units of measurement is not arbitrary and subject to our consensus, gravity waves either stretch them or not, let's try and stay focused
  9. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    ok- let me see if i understand you: my physical ruler and tunnel length stretch just a little. distance between free floating mirror and emitter stretches much more. that's the reason why I am able to notice length increase even from within "stretched frame". my clock is unaffected is this what...
  10. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    This would still mean i measure dofferent light speed with wave present and when not present? Also does the wave affect my clock or not?
  11. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    what? gravity wave affects the tunnel but not my tape measure? of course it does, gravity wave or not i will always measure the tunnel to be 10 units long
  12. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    OK say I am in a tunnel, 10 my local units long. There is no gravity wave and i measure round trip of light to be 5 seconds. Now comes the gravity wave and stretches the tunnel- I still measure it to be 10 units long because my ruler scales along with the tunnel length, but now I measure light...
  13. E

    I LIGO and light speed constancy

    From LIGO website re how gravity waves are measured: "The arrival times change because when the arms of the interferometer change lengths, so too do the distances the light waves travel before exiting the interferometer. What gravitational waves do not change, however, is the speed of light...
  14. E

    I LIGO Discovery - A question about space-time properties

    In response to physguy: In that case time ticks differently in "stretched" and "unstretched" reference frame which contradicts what you said in previous post. You just can't have two space and time coordinate systems where c and time is constant and lenghts are different. And second, how can...
  15. E

    I LIGO Discovery - A question about space-time properties

    How do you measure a difference in length? Ligo is set up only to measure interference pattern due to time delay of the signal?