Recent content by EuclidPhoton

  1. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    I agree with everything you've said here, I only mentioned the amplituhedron paper as an example. There are many other theories like E8 theory or whatever that are also not yet successful as you pointed out. Hopefully the LHC will shed some light on which math we should be focusing on, and...
  2. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    Yeah I realize that they don't work well yet and that it's a long shot. But some have already shown they can simplify particle interactions using complex geometry like the amplituhedron paper. There's a long ways to go before these theories may be useful, but it is looking like locality and...
  3. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    Thanks for your reply. I think this is why I'm trying to bring the complex geometric theories of quantum gravity into the picture. These theories might help provide some constraints on which math might lead to simplifications for some calculations.
  4. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    Do you know if there is any way to narrow down the possibilities of which complex geometries might lead to simplifications? Or is the only way to pursue one and see if it might be promising or not?
  5. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    Thank you! This is the most helpful answer anyone has been able offer yet. Now at least I have an idea of which direction to proceed my research =)
  6. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    I'm not sure if it needs to be abandoned in any way. I think that to obtain results comparable to experimental data we may always need these methods. I'm just wondering if it might be worth investigating if any complex geometric theories might provide simplifications for some types of...
  7. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    I realize this, I'm just wondering if complex geometric theories like E8 theory or other higher dimensional non-euclidean geometries might lead to better ways to do molecular modeling?
  8. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    I don't know if I'm asking this question properly. If wavefunctions are statistical approximations necessary due to entropy in the experimental universe, (since we must use the universe to measure the universe we always cause an interaction and lose some information about what was happening...
  9. EuclidPhoton

    Complex Geometric Theories and Molecules

    If QM is a statistical model to approximate something underlying space time we don't quite understand yet, and there is a complex geometry underlying space time, is it possible to find other ways to simplify molecular optimizations and electron interactions in computational chemistry using...