Recent content by etherealcalc

  1. E

    Simple Concept Question Regarding Impulse and Momentum

    I would think either would break an egg, but couldn't a small force for a longer time possibly be a smaller impulse?
  2. E

    Wheel-Hub System and Angular Acceleration

    Homework Statement A wheel of radius r1=0.8m and hub of radius r2=0.4m is shown in the diagram. Two masses are hung from the wheel-hub system. The mass m2, on the left, is hung from the hub. The mass m1 is hung from the wheel. The system is in equilibrium. The moment of inertia for the disk-hub...
  3. E

    Simple Concept Question Regarding Impulse and Momentum

    It's simple to everyone but me haha 1. Homework Statement We toss an egg onto the floor, and it breaks. We toss an egg onto a pillow on the floor, and it does not break. The egg that does not break experiences a smaller: A. Impulse B. Change in momentum C. Maximum ForceHomework Equations...
  4. E

    What are some common introductory level questions in engineering physics?

    Hi! I'm an undergrad (finishing up, last semester), whoo! I decided to get an account because I'm studying for a proficiency test and think this place would be useful to answer some questions I have regarding problems. No doubt they can be solved here, they are just intro-level questions...