Recent content by enternamehere

  1. E

    Book recommendation for classical mechanics

    John Taylor's book is very nice for beginners. Thornton and Marion's book is very good but a little more advanced than Taylor's book.
  2. E

    Maxwell's equation which convective derivative

    PhilDSP: I don't understand equation (19) either. In my original post I said I found it convincing up to pg. 4. I don't know why he finds a Galilean invariant form of Maxwell's equations and then goes onto use the Lorentz transformations. He loses me there. Up to pg. 4, however, it was making a...
  3. E

    Maxwell's equation which convective derivative I was wondering what people thought of this paper. Please read up to at least page 3 before responding. I find it to be pretty convincing up to page 4. Thanks for any response.