Recent content by Einj

  1. Einj

    A Definition of [itex]\sigma_8[/itex]

    All clear now! Thank you so much everyone!
  2. Einj

    A Definition of [itex]\sigma_8[/itex]

    Thanks a lot! Does that simply mean \sigma_8=\mathcal{P}(k=1/8 \,h/Mpc)? Where \mathcal{P} is the power spectrum.
  3. Einj

    A Definition of [itex]\sigma_8[/itex]

    Hi everyone, apologies if this question has been asked already. My search didn't give any results. Can anyone tell me the definition of \sigma_8 in terms of the power spectrum? A reference where I could find it is perfect too! Thanks a lot
  4. Einj

    A Can the Vortices in a Superfluid Form a Triangular Lattice?

    Hello everyone, I am not an expert in the topic so I apologize in advance if the question has an easy answer. I think it is well known that if we have a set of N vortices in a superfluid their mutual interaction is logarithmic. Meaning that if \vec x_n is the position of the n-th vortex, then...
  5. Einj

    A Completeness relation for SO(N)

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows what the completeness relation for the fundamental representation of SO(N) is. For example, in the SU(N) we know that, if T^a_{ij} are the generators of the fundamental representation then we have the following relation $$...
  6. Einj

    A Euclidean signature and compact gauge group

    Oh I see! Thanks a lot
  7. Einj

    A Euclidean signature and compact gauge group

    Do you have any idea on how to show it or any source I could look at? Thanks for you reply!
  8. Einj

    A Euclidean signature and compact gauge group

    Hello everyone, I have been reading around that when performing the analytic continuation to Euclidean space (t\to-i\tau) one also has to continue the gauge field (A_t\to iA_4) in order to keep the gauge group compact. I already knew that the gauge field had to be continued as well but I didn't...
  9. Einj

    Euclidean correlators for finite chemical potential

    Thanks for your reply. I indeed checked that for an action of the kind: $$ S=-\int d^4x\left(-(\partial_t+i\mu)\Phi^*(\partial_t-i\mu)\Phi +\vec\nabla\Phi^*\cdot\vec\nabla\Phi+m^2|\Phi|^2\right) $$ the 2-pt function in the Euculidean and Minkowskian case are related by an analytic continuation...
  10. Einj

    Euclidean correlators for finite chemical potential

    Thanks a lot for the quick answer! My question however, goes beyond lattice simulations. I don't have any lattice and everything is continuous. The questions is: is it still true that: $$ \langle O_1O_2\rangle (\tilde\omega,\vec k)\longrightarrow\langle T(O_1O_2)\rangle(\omega,\vec k) $$ when...
  11. Einj

    Euclidean correlators for finite chemical potential

    Hello everyone, my question is about Euclidean correlators (say a 2-pt function to be specific) in presence of non-zero chemical potential. The question in particular is: is it still true that the Minkowski time ordered 2-pt function can be simply obtained from the Euclidean one by analytic...
  12. Einj

    Is There a Rigorous Method to Regularize Green's Functions in Coordinate Space?

    Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is a known, rigorous way to regularize a Green's function in coordinate space. In particular, it is known that the Green's function for a circle of radius R and source located at \vec x_0 is given by: $$ G(\vec x,\vec...
  13. Einj

    Gaussian vs. non-Gaussian fluctuations

    Thanks for the reply! How can non-gaussianity be generated at the level of inflation?
  14. Einj

    Gaussian vs. non-Gaussian fluctuations

    Hello everyone, I know this is a very basic question but I was wondering, in the context of inflation, what does it mean to have gaussian or non-gaussian fluctuations. First of all, are we talking about the fluctuations of the inflation? Second of all, how is the nature of the fluctuations...
  15. Einj

    Green's function in elliptic box

    Ok I will definitely do that! Thanks a lot.