Recent content by EdajMay

  1. EdajMay

    [Linear System] What is the order of the system?

    Hi, I plotted two Bode plots on MATLAB, and I'm wondering what's the system's order, because the magnitude plot looks like a first order (-20 dB/ dec) whether the phase plot looks like a second order (-180 degrees). I'm leaning towards a first-order system since the magnitude is more precise...
  2. EdajMay

    Truss Analysis : Method of Joints only (Picture provided)

    Hello, In my statics course, we had to design a bridge, and now, I have to calculate the internal forces in every member of the truss. At first, I have found Ay and Oy with the moment of force, but then, I am stuck since the truss is not perfectly aligned. Sadly, I can't use the method of...