Recent content by duffman1278

  1. D

    Using superpostion to find voltage

    I cannot seem to figure out how to start this problem when I eliminate the 12V source. I don't seem to see any resistors that are in parrallel or series. I'm just completely blank on this. Hopefully someone can put me in the right direction for this problem already...
  2. D

    Mass Moment of Inertia issues with half circle

    It's online. I'll ask my professor about it then. This online thing has issues sometimes.
  3. D

    Schools Failing a physics class. Grad school?

    You're waaaaaay too paranoid. Don't even sweat it.
  4. D

    Mass Moment of Inertia issues with half circle

    Okay so I went back and tried it again. For Ix'x'=\frac{mr^2}{2}+md2 m=(7830kg/m3)(\frac{volume of cylinder}{2})=5.95kg r=.110m d=.07m+\(frac{4*.11}{3\pi})=.116m Ix'x'=.117kg*m2 This ended up being wrong.
  5. D

    Mass Moment of Inertia issues with half circle

    oye vay! Of course wrong axis. fml lol I'll try that then.
  6. D

    Mass Moment of Inertia issues with half circle

    Hmm I rechecked the equation and it seems to be the correct one to use, unless I'm missing somethings here or am looking at it wrong? Because the line Xo is under the center of the half circle. As for the distance that makes sense so I used (4r/3pi) for the centroid and added that to the 70mm.
  7. D

    Mass Moment of Inertia issues with half circle

    Homework Statement specific volume of steel = 489 lb/ft^3 Homework Equations I tried using Ixo=1/4mr2+1/12ml2+md2 The Attempt at a Solution I tried using d=70mm because of the parallel axis therm, but that was wrong. my... r=110mm...
  8. D

    Torsion problem for strenght of materials help

    I love you! omfg this stupid problem was so easy the entire time.
  9. D

    Torsion problem for strenght of materials help

    The 4 degree's I put on here was just a type-o this is what I got when I redid it. \phi= .069813 T(shaft)= 52,521.1312 lb-in G= 12x106 \tau= 12,000psi L= 120" I solved for T as you said in which I got T=\stackrel{\tau*J}{c} I then plugged that T into the \phi=\stackrel{TL}{JG}...
  10. D

    Torsion problem for strenght of materials help

    Homework Statement Homework Equations tao=Tc/J theta=TL/JG The Attempt at a Solution I got the torque of the motor as 210,085lb-in Then I converted the 4* to .698 rad From there I plugged it into the equations. I solved for T from tao=Tc/J then plugged that T into the...