Recent content by Drbazz

  1. D

    Are G-forces smaller when traveling in space?

    Are G-forces smaller when traveling in space?
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    How does light travel so fast?

    What makes light travel so fast? Is light its own energy?
  3. D

    Molecules back to singular atoms.

    I read it in a book by Bill Bryson. Its obvious your molecules break up when you die and change to something else as your body is no longer there.
  4. D

    Atom Rubbing Sounds: Wood vs Glass

    What makes the noise when atoms rub each other. E.g a different noise is made from scratching wood than a noise from scratching glass.
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    Molecules back to singular atoms.

    Well is it known why molecules separate back to atoms, do all water molecules last the same amount of time and is there anyway to predict when certain molecules will break up?
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    Is a Verified Theory Considered Scientific Fact?

    It states in the rules of this forum that you can only talk about verified theories. If the theory was verified would it be science fact and no longer a theory?
  7. D

    Molecules back to singular atoms.

    So do molecules allways vibrate at the same speed no matter what forces are put against them? Sorry I'm no expert on this so not completely sure on molecular vibrations. It just confuses me how a animals which have very similar molecular make-up live for different times. Why if the molecules are...
  8. D

    Molecules back to singular atoms.

    Do the atoms in molecules separate quicker if they are moved more vigourously in their lifetime and therefoe cause death of the living organism they makes up sooner? For example: A giant tortoise is slower than a cheatah during its life and lives longer. A tree is slower than a tortoise and...