Recent content by dosantos86

  1. dosantos86

    A Peskin Shroeder quantum field 7.31 pag 221

    I can't do the derivative 7.31 at page 221. I try to do the derivative dΣ/dpslash, but my result is different from 7.31 Someone can help me writhing the right derivative? Thank you in advance!
  2. dosantos86

    Peskin shroeder quantum field 7.31 pag 221

    I can't do the derivative 7.31 at page 221. I try to do the derivative of Σ in dp slash, but my result is different from 7.31 Someone can help me writhing the right derivative? Thank you in advance!
  3. dosantos86

    Uncovering the Basics of Theoretical Physics: A Journey through Napoli, Italy

    I'm new in this forum! I'm studying theoretical physics in Napoli (Italy)