Recent content by doopa

  1. D

    I Estimating Mass of Central Object Using S2's Orbit Motion and Kepler's 3rd Law

    During one of my class lectures, we were shown a graph of star S2's orbit motion (shown at the bottom of this post) and was told to try and figure out how to find the mass of the central object using Kepler’s 3rd law in solar units, as shown below: We were also given a hint to use the arcsec...
  2. D

    I Figuring out the torque required to rotate a dome

    There will be wheels attached to the motor. The wheels themselves will be on the platform and that allow the dome to rotate. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.
  3. D

    I Figuring out the torque required to rotate a dome

    The plan is to rest the dome on top of an open cylinder and create a platform on the top of the cylinder so that a motor could rotate the dome. I don't have an idea on the exact material I will use for the platform, but I have a feeling it will end up being made of wood or some 3D printed material.
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    I Figuring out the torque required to rotate a dome

    I see, so figuring out the moment of inertia will give an idea on the torque necessary to move the dome itself, assuming friction is negligible. And then after finding that, I would just add the torque required to overcome friction to my previous result, correct?
  5. D

    I Figuring out the torque required to rotate a dome

    Yes! It is actually quite the coincidence that you brought up an image of an observatory because that is what I intend on building.
  6. D

    I Figuring out the torque required to rotate a dome

    Hello, Assuming the dome will not spiral away using a single motor and is set up in a manner such that it would rotate in place, I want to find the minimum torque needed to rotate a fairly heavy dome if a motor was located on the dome's inner face. I understand that this is an issue that...