Recent content by DigitalPanda213

  1. DigitalPanda213

    Schools Will university live up to my expectations or should I consider other options?

    Thanks for the reply mate, I think you're right about attending university. Just for the sake of clarity, let me explain what I meant in some of my comments. (In retrospect I shouldn't have posted at 1 am, I wasn't making complete sense) In regard to the lectures, it's a 35 min drive to...
  2. DigitalPanda213

    Schools Will university live up to my expectations or should I consider other options?

    Thanks for the answers guys :) Yeah, I definitely think that everything will get harder, I mean, I'm not all that smart. But, as it stands right now Apologies if sounded like I was whining, my education is just very important to and just I'm at a point in my life where the choices I make will...
  3. DigitalPanda213

    Schools Will university live up to my expectations or should I consider other options?

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I got all A's last semester and I'm on track to get all A's this semester. The only time I get B's on homework was when I make stupid mistakes (missing a question, reading it wrong, etc). And I'm taking a full college load (I think last semester was 14 credit hours)...
  4. DigitalPanda213

    Schools Will university live up to my expectations or should I consider other options?

    So just to as quickly as possible give an overview of my situation, I'm currently a Highschool Senior part way into my second semester at my local community college, and to be honest, I'm starting to hate it. I was homeschooled my whole life and while I don't think that was ideal, I never hated...
  5. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Hey Zz, I'm actually home-schooled, so it's hard to say exactly what enrolled in, of course i will have enough credits to graduate though. Math wise I've done Algebra 1&2 and am currently doing geometry. Science wise I don't remember exactly what I've done, i think I've done physical science...
  6. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Thanks for the link :D I was really hoping someone would be kind enough to link an actual book/course. Do you think it would be worth looking into other textbooks, or are the ones you linked sufficient? And yeah don't worry, i'll make sure to do as many problems as i can :) Thanks for the...
  7. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Umm, not were id like it to be. I recently took a a practice SAT (the new one) on Khan academy and got a 570 in math. I couldn't find any averages for the new SAT, but it seems like most people are expecting the average to be ~500 in each section. So according to that most I am most likely...
  8. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Yeah I completely agree. There are so many types of Engineering, and other degrees related to Engineering, that i can't say for sure that Electrical Engineering will be exactly what i pursue. Electrical Engineering is something that I think may be a good fit for me, but I won't know till i...
  9. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Yeah I know it's a pretty big jump. My dream for a long time was to become a concept artist and eventually make my own game company while still staying an artist. As i grew up my dream became more and more elaborate and I saw how many great things people like Bill gates could do, so i thought if...
  10. DigitalPanda213

    Studying A changing focus from Art to Engineering

    Alrighty, here we go. I'm currently a junior in high school (going into my senior year this fall), and my plan was always to become an artist as i thought it the way i could make a change in the world; however, I've begun to think pursuing engineering (particularly electrical) will enable me to...