Recent content by Demos Mirak

  1. D

    Communication by means of entanglement for the layman

    Thank you guys for your replies. My story does not involve spaceships or space travel, so the thing about large distances are irrelevant. The thing I was looking for was the fact that there was no physical interaction between the two objects, that there was not some signal going between the two...
  2. D

    Communication by means of entanglement for the layman

    So the no cloning theorem leads to a no communication theorem, which states that instantaneous transfer of information by means of entanglement alone is impossible and the no teleportation theorem, which states that quantum information cannot be transmitted by means of classical information...
  3. D

    Communication by means of entanglement for the layman

    Hello, I'm currently working on the background for a science fiction collection of short stories I am working on, and communication by means of entanglement plays a big role in it, and I want to make sure that I get it right. So here it comes. As I understand it, particles can become...