Recent content by demolition35

  1. demolition35

    I have a couple question I with atomic physics

    Thank you for you help SteamKing
  2. demolition35

    Discovering the Fascinating World of Physics 30: What Topics Await?

    Hello everybody, My name is Hyder and I am from Canada. I am currently taking my Physics 30 course in my final year of high school. I am interested in learning new and exciting this about physics. It is nice to meet all of you :)
  3. demolition35

    I have a couple question I with atomic physics

    Homework Statement According to Maxwells laws of electromagnetism: If an electron spirals into the nucleus: 1. what would happen to the electron’s orbital frequency? 2. what would happen to the frequency of the emitted radiation? and 3. what kind of spectrum would be produced—a continuous or...