Recent content by Decimator

  1. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    They're part of Project Orion, so yes.
  2. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    Insulating is exactly what you don't want to do. Your missile will cook. After thrusting, you need to cool your missile down to near 3 Kelvin to blend in with the background. Until you do that, your missile is easily tracked, and its orbit plotted. Once the enemy plots the missile's orbit...
  3. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    I don't quite understand. You have a faction of Earth and Mercury, a faction of Earth, and a Mars and asteroid belt faction?
  4. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    Depends on if its a total war situation or not. If a faction is launching nukes at populations, then their missile submarines are just as likely as their spacecraft , if not more so. I guess the real question here is are all the factions Earth-based? How far into the future are we talking?
  5. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    Personally, I think a spear of nuclear inferno counts as concentrated unstoppable damage, even if it isn't an impact.
  6. D

    Physically plausible explanation for missile based space combat?

    Regarding missiles, keep in mind that missiles can carry long-range warheads. Both bomb-pumped lasers and shaped nuclear warheads are options. With either of those, the missile doesn't need to impact the target.
  7. D

    How to interstellar travel in a very hard SF universe

    You are unlikely to negate the scoop. The key to the bussard ramjet is that they are not subject to the rocket equation. Bussard ramjets don't need to use propellant to accelerate their propellant, as they use ambient matter.
  8. D

    Can We Create Winged Kids Safely?

    Well, certain flying animals got more massive than humans. However, I don't think a human capable of flight in 1 gee would look much like a human anymore. The structural requirements of flight are extreme, to put it mildly.
  9. D

    Understanding products of triated water decay

    And I just now realized I misspelled "Tritiated" in the title. Darn.
  10. D

    Is Dark Energy the Candle Burning at Both Ends in Sci-Fi Universes?

    The universe is still expected to have an end; it'll just be in the other direction. Expansion will continue, until the Milky Andromeda is the only galaxy in the visible universe. Entropy will continue, until all that's left are cold, dead stars. The once-great civilizations which remain will...
  11. D

    Understanding products of triated water decay

    Figured this was more a chemistry question than nuclear question, so I put it here. When an atom of tritium in ^{3}_{1}H_{2}O decays, it becomes ^{3}_{2}He^{1+} + e^{-} + ^{3}_{1}HO This then quickly becomes ^{3}_{2}He + ^{3}_{1}HO I'm a little confused about the hydroxide. It needs...
  12. D

    Got rejected for being an atheist

    Why would you want to date someone who has a completely incompatible worldview to your own?
  13. D

    How to Successfully Work a 12+ Hour Day 6-7 Days a Week?

    Well, you obviously won't quit over it, so why shouldn't they?
  14. D

    Fusion of human brain and nanobots, what can be its hardness level?

    We can control robotic arms with implants in our brains right now. Some of the recent developments in prosthetics are incredible! But feedback to the brain from the implant isn't a thing yet, so far as I'm aware. The closest example of that is this...
  15. D

    Body decays in a microbe-free environment?

    Your gut flora is perfectly happy to decompose you. The victim would start to stink just like normal, but there wouldn't be any flies or scavengers to speed the actual eating process. So the body would stink worse, and longer. How squeamish are you? There's a lot of research on this...