Recent content by DeadWolfe

  1. D

    Q about magnetic buckyballs and knots

    This about those magnetic toys buckyballs. My apologies, I don't really know any physics, so sorry if my terminology is confusing. If one lines up two lines of buckyballs they can be lined up with the same orientation, (ie as they are in the cube when you get them) or oppositely (so that...
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    Baby Rudin: A Comprehensive Analysis Text Worth Reading?

    I loved doing the excercises in Baby Rudin. The material covered in the text itself is really quite minimal, but I found the excercises take that limited machinery as far as it can go
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    Is there a name for this construction?

    So I was talking with a friend about a problem and noticed the following construction arose naturally: For a category C, let F(C) be the category where objects are objects in C, arrows are finite lists of arrows, identity is the list {id}, and composition is defined by tensoring as follows...
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    Finding Solace in Favourite Quotes: Escaping Despair with Words of Wisdom

    "I don't believe in beliefs. I don't believe humans use beliefs to act. Beliefs serve some other purpose" Nassim Taleb
  5. D

    Help me find or prove an obvious (?) lemma

    I don't see how a_1/b_1 depends on n.
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    Proving Polynomial Properties: Existence of nxn Matrix in Field k

    Yes, but of course I was interested in the general case (and particularly when k=reals)
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    Proving Polynomial Properties: Existence of nxn Matrix in Field k

    How might one prove that for any degree n polynomial p(x) with coefficients lying in a field k, there exists any nxn matrix with entries in k with characteristic polynomial p?
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    Surprising rational/irrational formula

    What exactly is the theorem you are referring to?
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    A Proposition in Galois Theory

    What definition are you using? Show that this extension is normal is really not so bad. (hint: start with any polynomial which has a root, and find an automorphism taking it to other roots...)
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    Extension of Fermat's theorem?
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    Famous Overweight Physicists and Mathematicians

    Von Nuemann was fat all his life. John Conway is a great mathematicians, he's a huge guy.
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    Other Should I Become a Mathematician? Appears so.
  13. D

    Determining Basis and Coordinates in Two-Dimensional Space

    In this case the problem is indeed whether or not they are collinear, but more generally the problem is to figure out whether they are independent. As for finding the coordinates of V relative to that basis, what do coordinates mean? The coordinates are two numbers a and b such that V=aV1+bV2...
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    How Did Euler Link Complex Exponentials to Trigonometric Functions?

    Well, presumably he first noticed separately that e^ix and e^-ix work. He may have found this simply by trying things, but more likely, he realized that the equation says that y''=-y, which says that the second derivative is proportional to the original function. One obvious thing to try would...