Recent content by Danz0r77

  1. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    Sorry. What I meant to say was that my situation wouldn't really be the norm.
  2. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    I understand what you are saying but this wouldn't be the usual scenario really. I would definitely not be looking to scramble into the first job that comes my way. If I could do a part IT role / part research role in a University that would be awesome.
  3. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    Is this the same everywhere? I am in the UK. Why would anyone at all bother to do a physics degree is there's absolutely nothing available for them at the end of it? It doesn't make sense.
  4. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    That seems a bit harsh.. I've read all the comments posted and, to be honest, I'm not that much clearer on the whole situation. There are contrasting views on whether age plays an important role and then there's the uncertainty about what kind of jobs would be available to me. So, in short...
  5. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    Thanks for the responses. Why do you say this? In all honesty I am probably a little guilty of the whole idealization of physics. I.E Hoping that I could sit around performing experiments with interesting materials and spending the rest of my time just theorizing about stuff. But, surely...
  6. D

    Is it too late to start in Phyiscs?

    Hi For the last 10 years I've been a web developer and for a few years now I've really wanted to look into moving careers. I have a keen interest in physics ever since school and I wanted to ask people's advice on whether there is a point where it is too late to move into a physics related...