Recent content by Danijel

  1. D

    8 different items into 5 different boxes

    My teacher solved this using inclusion-exclusion formulas to count the number of surjections from a set of 8 elemets (containing items) to a set of 5 elements (containing boxes). However, I thought of a different solution. But I have a hunch it's wrong. What I thought is to first make sure every...
  2. D

    I How Does Zero Characteristic Influence the Structure of Prime Subfields?

    I am interested in the following theorem: Every field of zero characteristics has a prime subfield isomorphic to ℚ. I am following the usual proof, where we identify every p∈ℚ as a/b , a∈ℤ,beℕ, and define h:ℚ→P as h(a/b)=(a*1)(b*1)-1 (where a*1=1+1+1... a times) I have worked out the...
  3. D

    I Zero divisors of an endomorphism ring

    Let (A,+) be an Abelian group. Consider the ring E=End(A,A) of endomorphisms on the set A, with binary operations +, and *, where (f+g)(x)=f(x) + g(x), and (f*g)=f∘g. I have tried to find zero divisors in this ring, but I just couldn't come up with an example.
  4. D

    I Limit of Extension: Can Function Have Different Limit?

    I gave little information, and I am sorry. To skip the settings, here's straight to the problem. Say we want to prove that limit of the function f(x)=sinx/x as x approaches 0 is 1. We can play around and get that cosx<sinx/x<1 for 0<x<π/4. Since the limit of cosx as x approaches 0 is 1, and...
  5. D

    I Limit of Extension: Can Function Have Different Limit?

    When we define a limit of a function at point c, we talk about an open interval. The question is, can it occur that function has a limit on a certain interval, but it's extension does not? To me it seems obvious that an extension will have the same limit at c, since there is already infinitely...
  6. D

    I Can You Add a Scalar to a Matrix Directly?

    So, I recently came across this example: let us "define" a function as ƒ(x)=-x3-2x -3. If given a matrix A, compute ƒ(A). The soution proceedes in finding -A3-2A-3I where I is the multiplicative identity matrix. Now , I understand that you can't add a scalar and a matrix, so the way I see it is...
  7. D

    I Proof of Countability of ℚ: Bijection from A to ℕ

    So is my 2nd post incorrect? I know that the given projection is not injective, but it is surjective. Can we then restrict it to an injective one, and get a new function from a subset of the domain to the codomain? From here it follows that the second set is either finite or countable. Anyways...
  8. D

    I Proof of Countability of ℚ: Bijection from A to ℕ

    The book by K.Kuratowski, A.Mostowski, Set Theory, is mentioned in the bibliography.
  9. D

    I Proof of Countability of ℚ: Bijection from A to ℕ

    This book is in Croatian, and you can say it is not really a book, more like a compilation of notes made by one of our professors. Also, sorry for posting twice. I didn't know about the convention.
  10. D

    I Proof of Countability of ℚ: Bijection from A to ℕ

    So, I thought about this, and this is what I have concluded. Since there is a surjection from ℤxℤ* to ℚ, then there is injection from S⊂ℤxℤ* to ℚ, which means that there is a bijection from S to ℚ. Since ℤ⊂ℚ, ℚ is infinite, but then S is infinite too. Since S is an infinite subset of a countable...
  11. D

    I Proof of Countability of ℚ: Bijection from A to ℕ

    I know there are many proofs of this I can google, but I am interested in a particular one my book proposed. Also, by countable, I mean that there is a bijection from A to ℕ (*), since this is the definition my book decided to stick to. The reasoning is as follows: ℤ is countable, and so iz ℤxℤ...
  12. D

    I Understanding the Induction Axiom: Notation & Equivalence

    This may be a silly way to approach it, but I thought of this. (∀n∈M) s(n)∈M is by definition equivalent to (∀n)(n∈M →s(n)∈M), which is obviously not equivalent to (∀n∈ℕ)(n∈M →s(n)∈M). Another way to think about it is that these can become equivalent if we consider a few things, which is not...
  13. D

    I Understanding the Induction Axiom: Notation & Equivalence

    So , what I was wondering about was a slight difference in notation, for which I am not certain if correct (mine, in particular.). The induction axiom says: If M is a subset of ℕ, and if holds that: a)1∈M b)(∨n∈ℕ)(n∈M→s(n)∈M) then M=ℕ. Now my question is: why do we write (∨n∈ℕ)(n∈M→s(n)∈M)...
  14. D

    B Irrational inequalities √f(x)>g(x) and √f(x)>g(x)

    There is nothing wrong, sorry. I overlooked it.
  15. D

    B Irrational inequalities √f(x)>g(x) and √f(x)>g(x)

    I used wrong to derive wrong, intending to show that the former had to be wrong. That is, I tried to find a contradiction.