Recent content by Dabac

  1. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Thanks for the response! I have been strongly considering applied physics as, as least from what little knowledge I have, it seems like a halfway point between physics and engineering. As of right now I am leaning more towards applied than the other two, so my path seems similar to yours. Also...
  2. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Thanks I'll take a look at them. I'm already familiar with Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and vector calculus.
  3. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    I'll have to keep this in mind if I ever take (or have the choice of taking) solid state or plasma. The handwaving arguments and crude approximations are near the top of my list "Things I hate in Physics." The basics of E&M I don't mind as much, just the more complicated problems which are math...
  4. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Thanks those posts are great! Those problems are pretty much the ones we have done for my class (possibly even the same ones but I can't remember of the top of my head). I do have an interest in it, just not E&M. Hate it like the plague.
  5. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Yeah I've noticed that too. Most of the fundamentals in the class they expect you to know from the intro-level classes. Not really much new to learn with fundamentals just a lot of tedious math and derivations.
  6. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Thanks and I know what you mean. A lot of these courses do emphasize math over basic concepts. Especially E&M, we talk more about curls, divergences, surface integrals, and volume integrals than what they actually mean or represent. Even though I know math is crucial to understanding physics...
  7. D

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    Hi everyone, So I'm currently a junior studying physics and I'm beginning to have some doubts if I want to pursue it anymore. I took two years of it in high school and two years (four semesters) in college so far. Loved it, couldn't get enough of it, foaming at the mouth for more. Now I'm in my...