Recent content by CynicusRex

  1. CynicusRex

    Chemistry Calculating the mass percent from a given volume % and density

    Okay, never mind. I didn't know the density of wine/water was 1g/ml.
  2. CynicusRex

    Chemistry Calculating the mass percent from a given volume % and density

    [I've solved b, but can't figure out a for the life of me. I have a couple of attempts, but it's just nonsense, it's like I've short circuited.]
  3. CynicusRex

    Random Photos

    My favourite idyllic nature photograph I've taken so far:
  4. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    Crypto“currencies”, a.k.a. multi-level marketing pyramid Ponzi schemes should not be cash for the cyber era. The problems you address won't be fixed by technology because they're a systemic human problem. Human problems will only be fixed by education producing more virtuous people. The only...
  5. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    This podcast with Berkeley professor Nicholas Weaver contains arguments on why everything blockchain is complete hogwash.
  6. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    §1 That's an extremely cynical view, and a fallacy at that. §2 Whether one has to use a middleman or not barely has anything to do with autonomy. §3 “Among those who do trade cryptocurrencies, the top reasons cited are that it’s easy to make trades, it’s exciting to invest in and there’s...
  7. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    §1 Most people prefer middlemen. What happens when you pay for a product using crypto“currencies” without a middleman and the product is never sent? Your money is gone. A middleman can mediate the trade and reverse the transaction. §2 “But Ponzi schemes existed with fiat money before...
  8. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    §1 “Bitcoin law protests break out in El Salvador as Central American neighbours wait to see its success”: §2 “Bitcoin might be used by greedy people but not all...
  9. CynicusRex

    Bitcoin: how it really works....

    Money corrupts; bitcoin corrupts absolutely. Disregarding all of bitcoin's shortcomings, a financial instrument that brings out the worst in people—greed—won't change the world for the better.
  10. CynicusRex

    Download the free PF App for iPhone/Android phones

    Simply the website you open on a mobile device. In my case: Android, using Kiwi browser.
  11. CynicusRex

    Download the free PF App for iPhone/Android phones

    There's still a “install the app” section on the mobile website even though the app isn't available anymore. Just a heads-up.
  12. CynicusRex

    Crypto transaction discrepancies

    Sell it all and don't look back. The crypto“currency” space is inherently fraudulent because they're all multi-level marketing pyramid Ponzi schemes by default. One might want to listen to @milner_aviv's When The Music Stops podcast to learn why: . “This is the singularly best podcast I've...
  13. CynicusRex

    Random Photos

    Climbed this tree not so long ago. When you're at the top the slightest breeze gets amplified multifold; exhilarating.
  14. CynicusRex

    Collection of Science Jokes P2

    An exponential and a logarithm walk into a bar. After ordering the bartender asks: “Alright, who's paying?” The exponential: “Me, because logarithme népérien.”
  15. CynicusRex

    Good chemistry websites

    "General Introductory Links" is broken as well.