Recent content by cwrn

  1. C

    Calculating Gravitational Potential Energy of a Fluid Above a Reference Line

    I got a quick question regarding the potential energy of a fluid (see picture). If I want to express the potential energy of a fluid (with a given volume) above the reference line x, using nothing but the given variables/constants, would this be the correct way to do so? picture
  2. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    Using the same method in 4) as in 3) gives me $$ \begin{align} f_Y(y) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi y\sigma^2}}e^{-\frac{(y-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} \end{align} $$
  3. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    I see, I must've misinterpreted, my bad! Thanks again.
  4. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    Of course. It makes a lot more sense to look at the substitution in an integration. Thanks for the help. Will try part 4) and post the result later. Edit: What do you mean by "yours will integrate to 1/2"? Do I need to change the limits according to z(y)?
  5. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    I gave part 3 another try using the so called "change of variable" technique. Although, instead of finding and taking the derivative of the CDF I used the definition of normal distribution (pdf) and just substituted z. I set z=g(y)=\sqrt{y} \Rightarrow \frac{dg}{dy}=\frac{1}{2\sqrt{y}}...
  6. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    Alright, according to the definition, the distribution should be $$ \begin{align} F_Z(u) = 1-(1-F_X(u))(1-F_Y(u)) = 1-P(X>u)P(Y>u) \end{align} $$ where F_Y(u)=\sum_{k:k\leq u}q^k and F_X(u)=\sum_{k:k\leq u}p^k.
  7. C

    Probability Functions and Distributions for Independent Series of Experiments

    Homework Statement Two independent series of experiments are performed. The probability of a positive result (independent of each other) in the respective series are given by p and q. Let X and Y be be the amount of experiments before the first negative result occur in the respective series...
  8. C

    MATLAB Projectile motion with friction in MATLAB (ODE45)

    Yes, I'm aware of this. Solving this with ode45 should yield the x and y vectors that I want to plot. I'm just not sure how to define the function itself since it depends on B which in turn depends on y. $$ \begin{align} B(y) = B_{0}e^{-y/y_{0}} \end{align} $$
  9. C

    MATLAB Projectile motion with friction in MATLAB (ODE45)

    I'm working on a little project where I want to plot the motion of a projectile with air resistance. The air resistance can be assumed to be proportional to the velocity squared. F_{f}=-Bv^{2} F_{f,x}=F_{f}\frac{v_{x}}{v}, \ \ F_{f,y}=F_{f}\frac{v_{y}}{v} where B depends on the height...
  10. C

    General solution for a PDE with new variables

    I understand your point, but the particular solution is still confusing to me. Would you mind further explaining how G(u) becomes G(v)?
  11. C

    General solution for a PDE with new variables

    Plugging in the values for the partial derivatives gives \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left[4\frac{\partial F}{\partial v}+F(u,v) \right] = 0 = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}g(y). Does that mean the general solution is F(u,v) = g(y)-4\frac{\partial F}{\partial v} where g(y) and...
  12. C

    General solution for a PDE with new variables

    But how would I go about determining the function g(y) from this? f(x,y)=g(y)-4\frac{∂f}{∂v} The equation above doesn't seem like a sufficient answer.
  13. C

    General solution for a PDE with new variables

    That makes sense. The only thing I don't quite understand is why it equals a function depending only on y.
  14. C

    General solution for a PDE with new variables

    Homework Statement Find the general solution f = f(x,y) of class C2 to the partial differential equation \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}+4\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x \partial y}+\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}=0 by introducing the new variables u = 4x - y, v = y. Homework Equations...
  15. C

    Physics Theoretical physics or astrophysics

    I am soon to apply for university and I am not quite sure what I want to study. Theoretical physics and astrophysics/astronomy/cosmology all seem like very interesting fields of physics to me. How do I go about when I choose my career path? Which one of the fields has been more prospering than...