Recent content by Crystal037

  1. C

    Engineering Computer Graphics: Finding the position of a lightpen on the face of a CRT

    Yes I think so but does it matter when we are trying to find the relationship between the time at which a lightpen detects the beam and the lightpen's position.
  2. C

    Engineering Computer Graphics: Finding the position of a lightpen on the face of a CRT

    This is how I am approaching the problem let the lightpen be at a position (x,y) and the position to be plotted(x1,y1) The the time lag = (1/60)*(90/100)*(1/1024)*(90/100)*(1/1024)*(1024-x)/1024 ->for lightpen to complete the horizontal trace + (1/60)*(90/100)*(1/1024)*(1/10) ->...
  3. C

    Comp Sci Assigning a variable using a unary operator

    Oh I'm so sorry! Thank you all for answering my query. Now, I got to know about undefined behaviour of the code.
  4. C

    Comp Sci Assigning a variable using a unary operator

    Nope I'm doing pre-increment using --n. What you r saying is post increment, that would be n--.
  5. C

    Comp Sci Assigning a variable using a unary operator

    That wouldn't change anything right. The original values would be assigned back.
  6. C

    Comp Sci Assigning a variable using a unary operator

    int a[]={12,34,55,76,89,23}; int n=5; while(n>1){ a[n]=a[--n];} for(int i=0;i<6;i++){ printf("%d\t",a[i]); } Mentor note: Please use code tags in future posts. I've added them to this code. The above code should shift the element values to the right of each array cell, but after running...
  7. C

    Comp Sci SQL WHERE Clause: Repetitions & Order Explained

    I expect output as 30,20,3,2,1 in a row but I am getting repetitions of these with 20,30 coming 3 times and 3,2 coming 18 times and 1 coming 16 times. I dont understand how combination of condition in where is leading to so many duplicates. Instead of using or if I divide the query into 2 and...
  8. C

    Comp Sci Regular Expression in Theory of Automata and Computation

    ok and for the first part for the given question what should be the correct regular expression
  9. C

    Comp Sci Regular Expression in Theory of Automata and Computation

    This would give string of length 2, I have used a * kleen star above the whole thing, which will give multiples of 2
  10. C

    Comp Sci Regular Expression in Theory of Automata and Computation

    In first part,since every block of 4 consecutive symbol contain at least 2 a's The answer in notes is given (aa(a+b)(a+b)+a(a+b)a(a+b)+a(a+b)(a+b)a+(a+b)aa(a+b)+(a+b)a(a+b)a+(a+b)(a+b)aa)+ But this wont be true since if we choose aabbbbaa which is possible according to the above regular...
  11. C

    Comp Sci Insert Data Into SQL Table with Number Datatype

    Referring image isn't necessary I've written the query in relevant equations part
  12. C

    Comp Sci Insert Data Into SQL Table with Number Datatype

    insert into example values(1.1);
  13. C

    Comp Sci Finding size of array passed as a parameter

    #include<stdio.h> void sort(int arr[]){ int n=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]); printf("%d",n);} void main(){ int array[]={12,11,54,6,77}; sort(array);} But I'm getting the answer as 2. I searched it up and found out that array has decayed into pointer and hence its showing size of pointer...
  14. C

    Comp Sci ARM mov instruction source constraints

    About ARM having no 32-bit Mov instruction why am I not getting any error while using the constant 0xFFFFFFF1 Also can u explain me what do you mean by an even-number-of bits rotation.
  15. C

    Comp Sci ARM mov instruction source constraints

    Sorry, but I can't find the section that talks about code tags can you give me a screen shot where am I supposed to go. And the code I have implemented in keil microvision is as follows area rotate,code,readonly entry start mov r4,#0x01010101 mov r5,r4,ror #1 end And the...