Recent content by Crapsghetti

  1. C

    Understanding the Process of Cold Welding

    Can someone explain the process?
  2. C

    Origins of the electromagnetic force

    That is very interesting. I will try to read that later. I'm in a biochemistry internship. I don't know why I like physics. I think it's just because I like to think about stuff. Anyway, sorry for the three posts in a row. I don't see how that kind of thing is bad forum etiquette. To me, it...
  3. C

    Origins of the electromagnetic force

    Okay, so you are saying that there is an interaction, but the they do not create each other. And for your question 2, it's the exchange of gluons, duh! Can a gluon exist without a quark? Can a quark exist without gluons?
  4. C

    Origins of the electromagnetic force

    Hmm... but the original photon must have come from a charge and the 2 photons might as well be one, right? My understanding of quantum physics is pretty naive lol. I guess a photon could create a photon. So, you got me.
  5. C

    Origins of the electromagnetic force

    Seems like an interaction to me. Can you really have a charge that doesn't emit photons? Can you have a photon that did not come from a charge? They seem linked to me. With out one the other can not exist.
  6. C

    Origins of the electromagnetic force

    I saw a very old post where someone asked where an electron gets it's charge. Where does the charge come from? Doesn't it arise from the interaction with photons? My understanding is that electric charge and magnetism can not exist without photons, and the electron itself most likely could not...