Recent content by Costco Physicist

  1. Costco Physicist

    Derive Lorentz transformations in perturbation theory

    Looks like you did. Looks like you did it. You can get your new second-order terms because have your new terms from your first-order approximation,
  2. Costco Physicist

    Derive Lorentz transformations in perturbation theory

    Try plugging in t+dt into vt' for t+dt=t'
  3. Costco Physicist

    Derive Lorentz transformations in perturbation theory

    Oh ****. Your right. I'm working on it. I didn't read the whole problem
  4. Costco Physicist

    Derive Lorentz transformations in perturbation theory

    What you do is expand both terms in the dementor as a Taylor series. Why this can be done is that it needs to be assumed that v/c << 1 so that the rest of the terms in the Taylor series will die out as (v/c)^n when n>1. For the units you are working with, v<<c. The application makes more sense...
  5. Costco Physicist

    How Can Self-Study Prepare You for Upper-Level Physics Classes?

    I’ve been studying physics on my own for the last four years and I am now taking upper physics classes for my undergraduate degree. Ive always known about this website from looking up solutions to problems or similar problems I was stuck on. I currently need help with classical mechanics...