Recent content by CoolFool

  1. C

    V-i characteristics for voltage divider with current source

    This is a problem from Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal & Lang, I'm going through it by myself, I'm not in a course, so I'm depending on you friendly forum people for help! I really like this book but it has a lot of errors, perhaps this is another error. 1...
  2. C

    Intuition why area of a period of sinx =4 = area of square unit circle

    I don't get what you mean about the cut up triangles for this application. My confusion is that it doesn't fit. The area under a period of |sin x| = 4, a unit circle's area is only \pi. A unit circle is a circle with a radius of one, not an area of one. I've now made this explicit in the...
  3. C

    Intuition why area of a period of sinx =4 = area of square unit circle

    Homework Statement This isn't really homework, but I've been reviewing calc & trig and realized that the area of one period of sin(x) = 4. Since sin(θ) can be understood as the y-value of points along a unit circle, I noticed that the area of a unit square that bounds the unit circle is...
  4. C

    Understanding proof about A(adj A) elements

    Hey everyone, I've been going thru a linear alg textbook and there's this one theorem I can't quite follow. It proves that the elements of A(adj A) are |A| if on the diagonal and are 0 if not. Therefore, A(adj A) = |A|I. The first part shows that along the diagonal of this product A(adj...