Recent content by ComeInSpinor

  1. C

    Query regarding representations and Clebsch-Gordan series

    Thank you both for the replies, and I'm sorry I didn't say so sooner (Easter got in the way). BK, I found your explanation helpful and easy to follow, if a little disappointing. Is there really no way (that you're aware of) to create the appropriate expression from the Young diagrams...
  2. C

    Query regarding representations and Clebsch-Gordan series

    Okay, in that case how does one construct the correct algebraic expression (in terms of \psi_as, etc.)? The totally symmetric 4 dimension state in my problem corresponds to the diagram labelled S_3 in this figure; and it's easy to write the corresponding expression - just sum over all the...
  3. C

    Query regarding representations and Clebsch-Gordan series

    Hello all, I'm stuck on understanding part of a discussion of representations and Clebsch-Gordan series in the book 'Groups, representations and Physics' by H F Jones. I'd be grateful to anyone who can help me out. For starters, this discussion is in the SU(2) case. I don't know how to...
  4. C

    Why are spinors interesting, from a Clifford algebra perspective

    Arkajad, thank you very much. I disappeared for a while over the new year break, but I let your comments sink in and I think I have got it now. So allow me to paraphrase, and please correct me if I'm wrong... In an algebra {\cal A}, you have a subalgebra {\cal L} which is a left ideal, i.e...
  5. C

    Why are spinors interesting, from a Clifford algebra perspective

    Okay, thanks, that's clearly a significant point that hadn't sunk in before. Can you illustrate with an example or two, please? I know a module is a generalization of a vector space, where scalar multiplication of the vectors is by scalars from a ring rather than a field. But the most common...
  6. C

    Why are spinors interesting, from a Clifford algebra perspective

    arkajad, thank you for the reply, however I might elaborate a bit more on my question to get closer to an answer that will (hopefully) satisfy me. So it's not a matter of whether or not I "like" modules. I have nothing against them :-) In fact I'm pretty comfortable with the idea of saying...
  7. C

    Why are spinors interesting, from a Clifford algebra perspective

    Hi, I'm trying to understand spinors better, and I seem to be getting stuck on understanding the reason they're said to transform differently from vectors, and I'd appreciate any help with a justification for that. I'm sure I'm missing something pretty simple, but here goes; Here's what I've...