Recent content by colemc20

  1. colemc20

    Hollow Sphere Inertia in Cartesian Coordinates

    Honestly I myself am not entirely sure how to do it. I’ll ask him in school tomorrow for extra information. I am not sure what he wants the thickness. I’m also not sure if he cares I think he just wants to know how to do it in general.
  2. colemc20

    Hollow Sphere Inertia in Cartesian Coordinates

    Problem Statement: How do you calculate the rotational inertia of a hollow sphere in cartesian (x,y) coordinates? Relevant Equations: I=Mr^2 My physics teacher said its his goal to figure this out before he dies. He has personally solved all objects inertias in cartesian coordinates but can't...
  3. colemc20

    Do Neutrinos Leave Tracks in Cloud Chambers?

    My only issue is what this would look like. I can't draw a respective picture.