Recent content by codebpr

  1. codebpr

    A Symmetry breaking in the AdS small/large black hole phase transition

    I am trying to reproduce the results from this paper where they find out the expression for the Landau functional to be $$\psi(x,t,p)=\frac{1}{4}(\frac{1}{x}+6x+px^3-4tx^2)$$ We plot the Landau functional v/s the order parameter($x$) at $p=0.5$ and obtain the Figure 4. from the paper as Now...
  2. codebpr

    A Finding a suitable form factor for a given set of conditions

    This is basically a physics problem but I will try my best to highlight the mathematics behind it. Suppose I have two functions: $$T(z,B)=\frac{\text{z}^3 e^{-3 A(\text{z})-B^2 \text{z}^2}}{4 \pi \int_0^{\text{z}} \xi ^3 e^{-3 A(\xi )-B^2 \xi ^2} \, d\xi },$$ $$\phi(z,B)=\int_0^z...
  3. codebpr

    A Does the Maximum Lyapunov exponent depend on the eigenvalues?

    I am currently reading this paper where on page 8, the authors say that: This correlates with Figure 8 on page 12. Does it mean that there is a real correlation between eigenvalues and Lyapunov exponents?
  4. codebpr

    A Can a black hole horizon act as a source of Chaos?

    I was going through this paper where on page 5 they argue that in the given Poincare section: I am a bit confused by this statement. How does the given saddle point correspond to the black hole horizon and is it necessary that it acts as a source of chaos? Any explanation would be truly...
  5. codebpr

    A The kinetic term of the Hamiltonian is not positive definite

    Thank you for the illuminating reply. I had to brush up on my field theory basics and I finally got to understand your point. Now I get why the kinetic term was not positive definite but I also had the same confusion as yours, on rechecking the calculations I found that instead of -7.57 in the...
  6. codebpr

    A The kinetic term of the Hamiltonian is not positive definite

    I am trying to reproduce the results from this paper. On page 10 of the paper, they have an equation: $$ \frac{S}{T}=\int dt\sum _{n=0,1} (\dot{c_n}{}^2-c_n^2 \omega _n^2)+11.3 c_0^3+21.5 c_0 c_1^2+10.7 c_0 \dot{c_0}{}^2+3.32 c_0 \dot{c_1}{}^2+6.64 \dot{c_0} c_1 \dot{c_1} \tag{B12} $$ where they...