Recent content by clm321

  1. C

    Exploring Electron Paths in Space

    Would a photon moving in a vacuum with no external fields presents move in a ''curved'' pattern following is wave pattern?
  2. C

    Exploring Electron Paths in Space

    has anyone ever measured the path an electron take through space is it a straight light or is there an unknown interference that moves a photon in a wave pattern?
  3. C

    Silver Oxide Formation in Electrolysis Experiment

    i did an experiment the other day where i split water into hydrogen and oxygen but i used a silver anode and cathode when i turned on the batterie the silver one i think the anode start to corrode( one the one that oxygen forms on) is this making silver oxide when this happens?
  4. C

    Atom Shapes: Visualizing Electron Clouds

    ok but is there maybe i computer generated video i could watch of an electron going from a ground state to an excited state with complicated orbitals such as an excited oxygen atom
  5. C

    Atom Shapes: Visualizing Electron Clouds

    thank you that is actualy a good site. but I am also having troubles getting to imagine how it moves through these orbital and back to the ground state and then back to the other orbitals
  6. C

    Atom Shapes: Visualizing Electron Clouds

    im having a little trouble trying to picture an atom in my head with accurate electron cloud designee and shape can someone give me some pictures or a site that might help. every picture i ever see of an atom is with the electron orbital in curricular shapes but i know there is a wide eray of...
  7. C

    Where Does an Electron Reside in the Cloud Model?

    in the electron cloud model is the electron cloud where you would most likely fin the electron at?
  8. C

    Electron Movement: Understand Orbit Around Nuclies

    im having some issues understanding the way electrons orbit a nuclies. i know they don't orbit hte nuclies in a circle but in envelops. can someone describe how they move to me please
  9. C

    What is the weak nuclear force

    so what is the difference between strong and weak nuclear force
  10. C

    What is the weak nuclear force

    is the weak nuclear force what binds atoms together to make molecules?
  11. C

    Earth pulls with the same amount of gravity on every one

    if the Earth pulls with the same amount of gravity on every one how can we all have different weights the only way i find that it is possible id if in string theory that gravitons that are exchanged between atoms causes gravitation force but if gravity is as said in general relativity the bend...
  12. C

    Exploring Black Holes and the Mystery of Photons

    well if you believe in string theory they say graty may be causesd by gravitons and the transfer of these particle causes force if they somehow are transferred between photons you can see how gravity only depends on its mass by the amoput of particles available to give off gravitions
  13. C

    Exploring Quantum Physics: A Comprehensive Guide

    i told you dude its on just quantum physics in general the basics at least and wikipedia never helps i don't even use it any more
  14. C

    Exploring Black Holes and the Mystery of Photons

    you can't see a black hole directly only by how it interacts on its surroundings and it dose not atract a particle the black holes immense gravity pulls it in
  15. C

    Exploring Quantum Physics: A Comprehensive Guide

    i am writing a paper on quantum physics. anyone have any good websites that could help me find out everything i need to know?