Recent content by CK_KoopaTroopa

  1. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    Ohhhkay. I'm not sure what algorithm I was confusing with this but that makes more sense. Also, having thought about this for a couple days I'm realizing that it wouldn't work anyway, because it doesn't account for tilted roadways etc. Better to measure acceleration of the board directly which...
  2. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    Ok... Care to elaborate? What DOES a coefficient of 1 mean?
  3. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    Might be missing something here, but if the coefficient of friction is 1, doesn't that mean the surfaces have infinite friction between them (cannot move no matter how much force is applied)? And if that's the case, the maximum amount you could tilt the board to steer should be the maximum...
  4. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    I don't think they're crowned if I understand that term correctly... I haven't actually purchased or built anything yet, I'm just getting the software down first and will put in values later. I realize that the wheels are slipping during a turn due to the geometry of how it works and therefore...
  5. CK_KoopaTroopa

    I Finding the max angle of a longboard deck before the wheels slip

    Hi, I'm making an electric longboard and trying to write an app for my phone to function as the remote. I've got a bunch of fancy Star-Trek-esque indicators on it, one of which is the pitch and roll of the deck. All the indicators have "danger zones" and turn red when they hit them, and for this...
  6. CK_KoopaTroopa

    How to find torque of rotational friction on an axle?

    Ahh, ok. The tangential friction force times radius makes perfect sense, but now how do I apply that? I can't simply subtract it from the external torque, because unless I'm doing something wrong that would make it continue to accelerate in the opposite direction even after decelerating to a...
  7. CK_KoopaTroopa

    How to find torque of rotational friction on an axle?

    Thanks for the response! The links you provided certainly do have a lot of information, but maybe too much! If I have to go through it all I will, but I feel like this is a lot simpler... I was thinking along the same lines of getting the tightness at the contact point, and originally tried to...
  8. CK_KoopaTroopa

    How to find torque of rotational friction on an axle?

    Hi, I'm trying to program a simple physics engine from scratch as an exercise, and I'm starting with manipulating a stick with the mouse pointer. As of now, it dangles from one end demonstrating simple pendulum physics. Now, I want to add a friction component to the "axle" it's rotating on to...
  9. CK_KoopaTroopa

    What are the benefits of joining a physics forum community?

    Looks like I finally found a decent physics forum community... Not sure why I didn't find this before! Anyway, I'm currently a student attending junior college and planning to go into mechanical and electrical engineering. I like building things, programming, and contemplating the secrets of the...