Recent content by ChronicQuantumAddict

  1. C

    Soap Bubble Coalescence: Shape and Volume Change

    thats a great thought problem, and good answer A Mason, what class/book is that from Amith?
  2. C

    Gaussean Surfaces [Can they pass through charge distributions?]

    all this bickering, everyone knows the answer is 5.3764 \vec r
  3. C

    A Few Thermodynamics questions

    am i correct for part 2? and so far all i have seen is what i showed there for part 3, i can't seem to understand if that is even correct, let alone how that is arrived at. thanks
  4. C

    A Few Thermodynamics questions

    f is the specific helmholtz function, and g is the specific gibbs free energy function
  5. C

    A Few Thermodynamics questions

    1. Show that for an ideal gas a).f = c_v(T-T_0)-c_vT\ln(T/T_0)-RT\ln(v/v_0)-s_0T b).g = c_p(T-T_0)-c_pT\ln(T/T_0)+RT\ln(P/P_0)-S_0T totally lost here, where do i begin? 2. The Helmholtz function of a certain gas is: F = -\frac{n^2a}{V} - nRT \ln(V-nb) + J(T), where J is a function of T...
  6. C

    Does Converting Water to Ice Increase the Entropy of the Universe?

    Entropy - Help! Water --> Ice Here is my question: 10 kg of h2o at 20 degrees C is converted to Ice at -10 degrees C by being put in contact with a reservoir at -10 degrees C. The process takes place at constant pressure. The heat capacities at constant pressure of water (Cp_h2o) and Ice...
  7. C

    Thermodynamics engine question

    Ok, my question is as follows: An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes in 10^8 J (Q_in) at a temperature of 400 K (T_2), and rejects 4x10^7 J (Q_out) to a reservoir of Temperatue of 200 K (T_1). The engine delivers 15 kilowatt hours of mechanical work (which = 3600 sec/hour...
  8. C

    Thermodynamics - Ideal Diatomic Gas

    understood now, thanks very much AM
  9. C

    Otto Cycle - Thermodynamics - Efficiency

    Actually, i posted it here several days ago, but i was able to solve the problem, thanks everyone who helped.:wink:
  10. C

    Otto Cycle - Thermodynamics - Efficiency

    i can't make it clearer, that it the question, i have found the expression from the book to be: Efficiency = 1 - [(T4-T1)/(T3-T2)] = 1 - [1/(r^(gamma-1))] where gamma = ratio of heat capacities, and r = compression ratio. But i do not know how to obtain this expression from the...
  11. C

    Otto Cycle - Thermodynamics - Efficiency

    well I am quite sorry for reposting, but i did not understand the help, and no one was replying to the post, so i reposted to get it back up to the top so people can see it. Can someone please help me a little more?
  12. C

    Ask a Stupid Quetion Get a Stupid Answer

    by the way, if i told u the time it would no longer be that time, and hence, i would have to tell u the time for an infinite amount of time, but that would take too much time...