Recent content by chiraganand

  1. C

    Building a step by step course for different subjects in mathematics

    Hi, I mostly do Self study and I was wondering how to build up a course ie the.different levels from beginner to advanced in the fields of linear algebra, optimization (rbfs etc), statistics and probability? Suggestions of books with the various levels is welcome. Please help me out in this as...
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    Prob/Stats Books on Combinatorics, Permutations and Probability

    So is there any book other than Strang? I tried going through it but get lost pretty quickly
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    Prob/Stats Books on Combinatorics, Permutations and Probability

    Thank you. i started Ross.. the first chapter is fine, it gives a lot of explanation.. but when you dive into probabibility theory and axioms, i think its getting a bit confusing for me.. I am reading the first course on probability
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    Prob/Stats Books on Combinatorics, Permutations and Probability

    Thank you I am reading strang now. It covers loads of the basics and is good
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    Prob/Stats Books on Combinatorics, Permutations and Probability

    Hello! I am looking for textbooks to relearn Combinatorics, Permutations Combinations and Probability and also Matrix algebra( decomposition, etc). I had done these many years ago and the course/books provided to me at that time weren't that great. So I want to relearn this with a more...
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    Combination problem with 4 groups of values

    Yes i understand the combinations but as the number of elements increases, how do i calculate the total number of combinations
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    Combination problem with 4 groups of values

    Yes this was the answer which I came up with later. I was wondering if there is a combination formula for the same
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    Combination problem with 4 groups of values

    Thanks for the reply, so for example A={0,1}, B={2,3,4}, C={5,6}, D={7,8,9}. So one combination would be 0257 0258 0259 0267 0268 0269, and so on with 03.., 04.. 12..,13..14.. and also 2075 or 31 76 .. and so on.. i hope i am making sense now? The elements from A and B have to take the first two...
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    Combination problem with 4 groups of values

    Summary:: 10 values are divided into 4 groups and need a combination of these with restrictions placed on group size, ordering and combinations I have a combinations question.. i have 4 group of values A , B, C and D, with A-2 values, B-3 values , C-2 values, D-3 values. 1. From each group...
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    A Why Is the Rayleigh Sommerfeld Integral Challenging to Compute Directly?

    Oh wow I had moved on from this one, but thanks for replying! This is the the reference. so there are a lot of different ways to make it easier to calcualte but my main question was how would one go about solving it without any simplifications and at which step would one get stuck
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    MATLAB Deconvolving two signals with different sampling rates

    Dear Dr. Courtney, Thank you for your reply. I will try out the numerical integration technique. So this is basically solving the Fourier transform by numerical integration techniques right and not depending on FFTs for solving the integral?
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    MATLAB Deconvolving two signals with different sampling rates

    Hi, So i am in a fix now. I have a discrete time signal which is produced by a device with Nyquist frequency as 50MHz and 1088 samples (there is nothing i can do with the device to change the frequency or number of samples). I have an analytical signal which is produced in the frequency domain...
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    MATLAB Using ifft2 to transform wavenumber-frequency to space-time

    Hi, I have another question. not related to this but to fft transforms. I have a time domain signal extracted. When I Fourier transform it using the fft function, I get an extremely high value for the 1st value in the signal. Any idea why? The sampling frequency is 50 MHz and there are 1088...
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    A Evaluation of an improper integral leading to a delta function

    Thank you for your reply and explanation. I kind of understand it now. I am more familiar with basic calculus, so i was wondering about how the delta function is introduced and why. I still have to get my head around these generalized functions and their intuitive meaning and how to actually...
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    MATLAB Using ifft2 to transform wavenumber-frequency to space-time

    Awesome thank you for all your help! I owe you big time!