Recent content by Carnivroar

  1. C

    Schools French Universities For Physics

    UPMC - l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie of Université de Paris. I'm actually going for a semester abroad there next Spring.
  2. C

    Top Physics Review Book Recommendations for August Study - Updated Editions

    Hi, I'm going on a trip in August for a whole month and I would like to take this time to review some of what I have learned during my physics major. Do you have a book to recommend? Something like: or...
  3. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    So we have to write a lab report on the precision interferometer. I am writing a program in Java to analyze the data and I'm having a lot of fun with it - I'm pretty sure I'm the only person doing it this way because I'm the only CS major there. Writing the functions to do the data analysis is...
  4. C

    Discrete Math or Linear Algebra.

    Doesn't matter as long as you take linear algebra before you take quantum mechanics.
  5. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    So is it completely unheard of that real physicists hate doing labs? I thought there was a big gap between theoretical and experimental physics, and that sometimes they don't overlap too well. I hate doing these labs because they amount to nothing more than getting the correct equipment set up...
  6. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    Because the labs are only a small fraction of the requirements. I also hated the lab component of my first year's physics courses.
  7. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    Sounds exactly like my other major, computer science, and I love programming. :-p
  8. C

    Is there a better way to approach experimental physics labs?

    So I am almost done with my physics degree and I am taking a physics lab class this semester. I hate it. I don't learn anything on it. 90% of the time we're just working to get the equipment to function correctly and the other 10% deciphering the lab instructions. I resorted to just making...
  9. C

    Exploring Opportunities in Computer Science: What Lies Ahead?

    It's still way too early to think of specializing, though. Don't worry about it yet. Take as many electives as you can when you have the chance to. From what you said, you might be interested in classes like computer engineering, networking, embedded systems, robotics, systems programming, etc.
  10. C

    Looking for a nonacademic math book for a specific demographic

    I really liked this one, but it's more historical.
  11. C

    I'm an average physics student. Where to go from here?

    You know game/physics engines don't just appear our of nowhere, right? Someone has got to program them.
  12. C

    Exploring Opportunities in Computer Science: What Lies Ahead?

    CS is indeed a very broad field and it depends on what you want to do with it. You haven't said what areas you are interested in. Some people become programmers without going to college at all, while others need a phD for research. Some computer scientists don't even program.
  13. C

    I'm an average physics student. Where to go from here?

    There are a lot of niches in VG programming, especially for physicists who are needed to implement realism in game engines. Now I sound like I am giving advice to myself since I also got involved into this whole CS & physics mess. :-p
  14. C

    I'm an average physics student. Where to go from here?

    A CS degree hardly scratches the surface of what's out there in the industry. Two classes will not suffice, unless you are extremely motivated and can keep going by yourself. Fortunately, big IT/software companies do not care about specific skills when you're fresh out of college; however, you...