Recent content by CameronRose

  1. CameronRose

    Rigid Body Dynamics in CAD/CAE

    Hi folks, This week I have a question about rigid body dynamics analyses in CAE. This is in relation to the final year project of my degree. Over the past few months I've been working with AnSys 18.1 for FEA however, I've reserved AnSys exclusively for static analyses. For rigid body dynamics...
  2. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Thank you for the advice Dr.D, that seems like a logical way of presenting the numbers. Just out of curiosity would you say generally that there is still a lot of employment in this industry in the US?
  3. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Thanks for the reply Dr. D. That's a valid concern and I appreciate you highlighting it. The reason for the mixture of units is that the case study pump has all of it's technical documentation in imperial units, this is due to Weir's SPM sub division being based in Texas. I would generally be...
  4. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Apologies, I should have said that at the start! As far as chasing my tail, I'm in Scotland, the story goes like this: I started out on a systems eng programme that allowed exit at any year with a qualification (over 4 years certificate, diploma, bachelors degree, honours). Through lack of...
  5. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Update after some calculator button mashing: Power (W) = Pressure (Pa) * Flow Rate (m3s-1) W->hp = 0.001341 Pa->psi = 0.000145 m3s-1->gpm = 15850.32 0.000145*15850.32/0.001341 = 1713.87 Thanks for the replies guys, I'll press forth.
  6. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Thanks for the replies russ_watters. To be quite frank I'm chasing my own tail. Honours year projects were predetermined and then allocated with a like it or lump it attitude. Ballpark figures at this stage are more than I could have hoped for at the start but I'm interested in exploring...
  7. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Thanks for the reply jrmichler. So the error in the situation is that I am calculating power in the wrong way and that's why it's too high. I must have glossed over the fluid power formula as my instinct was to calculate the angular velocity required to meet the flow rate and then use the...
  8. CameronRose

    Reducing the power required to drive a slider crank

    Hi folks, I'm currently working on the design of a triplex plunger pump. I have conducted an investigation into the loading of the pump at maximum operating pressure using an analytical method (free body diagrams) and using rigid body dynamics to validate. In both analyses the pump has been...
  9. CameronRose

    Shearing when bolts are arranged radially

    Hi folks, I'm currently working on a final year project on the design of a plunger pump. The most recent area I have been studying is the loading on different joints in the pump. For a simplified example I have determined the maximum torque load on the crankshaft from the plungers for the...
  10. CameronRose

    Amplify Position Sensor Circuit

    I suppose that's the price I'm paying for ordering a cheap generic one from China :H I had to download Google Translate onto my phone and then use the inbuilt OCR software to translate the spec sheet. Translations of the relevant parts are as follows. "Current Recommended (uA) - 10" Then...
  11. CameronRose

    Amplify Position Sensor Circuit

    I'm beginning to doubt the validity of the manufacturer's spec sheet, it was also remarked by someone on another forum that it seemed like an unusually low rating. There is mention of 20mA further down but it's unclear what this represents.
  12. CameronRose

    Amplify Position Sensor Circuit

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a college project this year about mountain bike suspension damping. By trade I'm a mechanical engineer however, I'm required to construct a simple sensor circuit to monitor the performance of the damper I am making. Forgive me if my wording or logic is not quite...