Recent content by cam875

  1. C

    One wayness of boolean functions

    If I were to use B(x,y,z,q) = ((x and y) xor z)nand q as the password and I generated all 16 possible inputs to the function and there outputs then in order for someone to match the data they would have to know the equation i just typed but if they guessed it wrong they would end up...
  2. C

    One wayness of boolean functions

    I am thinking about it from a hash function perspective. So its like if you typed your password in, it would be converted to a boolean function and then all possible inputs would be sent in and the results would be the only thing recorded and therefore if the results from the boolean function...
  3. C

    One wayness of boolean functions

    I was learning about boolean functions and the boolean satisfiability problem when I thought about what if we constructed a problem where you had two things: the domain and the range of a particular boolean function b. And the problem was that you had to solve for the boolean function which...
  4. C

    Infinite or Finite: Examining Line Segments

    so its geometrical length is still considered finite although its set is considered infinite?
  5. C

    Infinite or Finite: Examining Line Segments

    If you were to describe a line segment as the set where all of its infinite points were individual elements within the set than wouldn't the overall set which is the line segment also be considered infinite and not finite.
  6. C

    Is the Universe Fractal? Exploring the Link Between Fractal Geometry and Physics

    no I was just wondering if it was possible that things never became discrete and you could keep forever zooming in whether fractal patterns were present or not.
  7. C

    Is the Universe Fractal? Exploring the Link Between Fractal Geometry and Physics

    does fractal geometry when applied to physics state that no matter how far you zoom in on something you never reach a fundamental discrete or quantized level? someone told me that a while ago and I am now currently interested in fractals and their application with nature.
  8. C

    Is Integrating for pi the Best Method for Calculating Accurate Values of Pi?

    is the taylor series the fastest method for calculating pi?
  9. C

    Is Integrating for pi the Best Method for Calculating Accurate Values of Pi?

    I was thinking about how to approximate pi accurately and came up with something and all the calculations i did seem to show that its true and I am wondering if its used often for calculating pi or if there is something better? radius of this circle equals 1 and therefore calcualting a...
  10. C

    Solve Energy Word Problem: Find Height Swinging Rope w/ 3.5 m/s Vel

    hmm that's strange when we did the law of conservation of mechanical energy there was never a question with only one variable given. I am pretty sure that question is impossible unless they expect you somewhere to assume a variable. Check that its not apart of a bigger question or a series of...
  11. C

    Electrical conduction and insulation

    I have been studying how electrical conduction and insulation works but have a few things I would like to get cleared up. Thanks in advance for any help. 1. Why is the energy needed for an electron to jump to the conduction band in a material so much higher in insulators then conductors and...
  12. C

    Is Nuclear Power the Future of Space Propulsion?

    heres some info )
  13. C

    Can Technobabble Be Avoided in Discussions About Quark Technology?

    hmmm... lol what do you mean its not that hard? you were just told it has improved impossible so far and that's with some of the smartest people in the world working on it.
  14. C

    The Neuroscience of Free Will: Believing in a Soul or Something Else?

    but the point against that, is that your decision making ability is physical along with everything else in some peoples minds. Therefore its all just an interaction of matter according to the true laws of the universe giving us the illusion of choice. Thats one side of the spectrum.
  15. C

    Dimensions Creation: Theory or Always Existed?

    very interesting, this is the kind of stuff I love. I am happy that there is actual mathematics behind it as well and a whole area of theoretical physics devoted to the research of this kind of stuff.