Recent content by CallMeDirac

  1. CallMeDirac

    How great is the overlap of Philosophy and Physics?

    For much of physics, its language is fundamentally math, but to a certain point, does philosophical thinking ever play an important part in creating or exploring physics? It would seem, at least to me, that there is some significant overlap, given that much of understanding physics can't quite...
  2. CallMeDirac

    Speed of processors, does it have a max?

    I forgot where I heard it but basically, The internal clock of the cpu can only tick so fast. And if that speed reaches the speed of light it cannot get faster. from some website:
  3. CallMeDirac

    Speed of processors, does it have a max?

    I had heard that computer processors are reaching the speed of light. Is this true, and if it is how do we combat this cap?
  4. CallMeDirac

    B Exploring the Fabric of Our Universe: The Strength of Quantum Strings

    I do realize that it is stupid to think of quantum strings as actual strings
  5. CallMeDirac

    B Exploring the Fabric of Our Universe: The Strength of Quantum Strings

    To all questions: the quantum "strings" upon which time and gravity act @phinds @PeterDonis @Vanadium 50
  6. CallMeDirac

    B Exploring the Fabric of Our Universe: The Strength of Quantum Strings

    Do quantum strings have a specific strength, as in how much does it take to break the fabric of our universe if even possible? What would happen if it is broken or has happened?
  7. CallMeDirac

    Do you think it's better to post threads or to answer questions?

    I was not asking in order to gain points. I was simply curious what people thought.
  8. CallMeDirac

    Do you think it's better to post threads or to answer questions?

    Do you think it's better to post threads or to answer questions. Assumin`g the quality of the posts are the same as the questions you answer. On the forum you gain points and awards for likes and such. Which do you think is better for points and why.
  9. CallMeDirac

    B Theory about gravitons and space warping

    I always mix weather and whether as wheather. lol
  10. CallMeDirac

    I exist

    I exist
  11. CallMeDirac

    What is the connection between math and meteorology?

    Welcome to the PF community!
  12. CallMeDirac

    B Theory about gravitons and space warping

    I've just always heard that there is an argument as to weather gravity is a field or a particle. I was wondering why it's never presented as the same as the Higg's boson and field Congrats by the way on the hall of legends by the way
  13. CallMeDirac

    B Theory about gravitons and space warping

    I am wondering why there is such difference between a graviton and a gravity field and why it isn't the same as the Higg's boson and field.
  14. CallMeDirac

    B Theory about gravitons and space warping

    The Higg's boson is a force carrier particle like a Photon, so is the theorized Graviton.