Recent content by caibbor

  1. C

    How can I create affordable soundproofing for my apartment bedroom?

    Thanks for your input, guys. I've made up a small list of materials to buy some small samples of to try. Something is better than nothing, and I figure if there are only two sheets of drywall in the wall (and there are), then adding two more would make it twice as quiet (granted these are not...
  2. C

    How can I create affordable soundproofing for my apartment bedroom?

    I've been doing some research on how to create cheap yet effective acoustic paneling for the purpose of blocking out sounds from the bedroom wall in my apartment. The walls are so "thin" that I can hear my neighbor snoring. I'd also not like my neighbor hearing me giggity. The best thing I've...
  3. C

    Find the point on a line that is X distance away from a plane

    Thank you, I'm going to digest this a little bit and get back to you.
  4. C

    Find the point on a line that is X distance away from a plane

    the latter. the distance of the shortest line drawn from a point to the plane (that is to say, the distance along the plane's normal, not the line) but the point needs to exist on the line.
  5. C

    Find the point on a line that is X distance away from a plane

    It's not homework, it's for a game engine. It's part of an attempt to move a swept sphere relatively close to a plane along the swept sphere's velocity vector without intersecting the plane. out of the sweep algorithm, I get the origin of the sphere where it will first collide with the plane...
  6. C

    Find the point on a line that is X distance away from a plane

    given: a plane with normal N and a point on the plane P. a line from A to B that intersects the plane but is not coplanar. Find the point C on the line that is X distance away from the plane (along the plane's normal, meaning the shortest line that can be drawn from the point to the plane)...
  7. C

    Find the point on a cone that is farthest in a given direction

    given a vector, probably a unit vector. if, for example, I throw the vector (0,0,1) at you, and you have a cone with the point at (1,2,3) which extends 7.4 units in the direction (0.58,0.58,0.58) with the fat end having a radius of 12.7, I want you to give me a point that exists on the...
  8. C

    Find the point on a cone that is farthest in a given direction

    I think this'll work, but there has to be a simpler formula: Do the same test as the capsule except make one end of the capsule a sphere with zero radius (a point). Then you have to test if the point is beyond the end of the cone, which would mean that it's somewhere on the spherical end of the...
  9. C

    Find the point on a cone that is farthest in a given direction

    I'm not sure what "differential" geometry is, so hopefully this is the right section. I need to find the point on a cone that is farthest in a given direction. This can be done easily if the shape were a sphere which is represented as a point and a radius: farthest_point = sphere_origin +...
  10. C

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    Hm, I'm actually in the market for a good elementary book on QM. The Foreword (as I can read on Amazon) says the book is just about right for that purpose. Are there others you might recommend keeping in mind that I'm not terribly mathematically inclined? (I can bang out some trig but when it...
  11. C

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    That's why I'm here! :-D I have no doubts that my questions will have absolutely no impact on this field, i assure you ;) I spent some time researching this and also found out about the Quantum Eraser test, and the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Test, and my questions are now answered. I'm...
  12. C

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    I'm currently trying to figure out exactly what "polarized light" means. Before today, I've never heard of a polarizer. (and also what it means to orient one)
  13. C

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    I have no background in physics whatsoever, so forgive me for such basic questions, but how does a polarizer detect which slit a single photon goes through? If the photon goes straight from source to destination without hitting the polarizer, how can it be detected?
  14. C

    Questions about the Double Slit Experiment

    The double slit experiment shows that light is a wave, unless observed at the point where photons enter the slits. If observed there, the result of the experiment shows light as particles. What I want to know is: 1.) What instruments are used to observe the photons as it passes through the...
  15. C

    Calculating object position with non-constant speed

    x_pos at 0.0 Sec Velocity = 5.0 + (-4.0 * 0.0) = 5.0 Distance = .5 * (5.0 + 5.0) * (0.0) = 0 x_pos at 0.5 Sec Velocity = 5.0 + (-4.0 * 0.5) = 3.0 Distance = .5 * (5.0 + 3.0) * (0.5) = 2 x_pos at 1.0 Sec Velocity = 5.0 + (-4.0 * 1.0) = 1.0 Distance = .5 * (5.0 + 1.0) * (1.0) = 3 yes? if this...