Recent content by bw0young0math

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    MHB About showing a function : not unbounded on B

    Thank you so much!Thank you!
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    MHB About showing a function : not unbounded on B

    Thank you for your reply.:D Um.. I have a question. If interval B=(a,b)(b=∞), length of B is infinite. Then how can I prove this?(Because I cannot define an half of the length B when length of B is infinite.) & How did you think of an half of length of B? I wonder the inference.
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    MHB About showing a function : not unbounded on B

    Hello, I have a problem. I think this problem about 5 hours. But I couldn't finish this. In fact, I solve a little. But I don't know whether it is right or not. If you check this problem, I really appreciate you.. *This is the problem from Bartle 5.1 #14. Let $A=(0,∞)$, $k:A→\Bbb R$ is given...
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    MHB Proving Uni.Conv. of Fn to F on (0,1): Questions & Answers

    Hello, today I have a question. If uni.cont. function sequence fn on (0,1) is uni.conv. to f on (0,1), then f is uni.cont. on (0,1). The above is true. The wonder I have is...May I prove the above by this way? This way: fn is uniform continuous on (0,1). So Fn is continuous on [0,1] (by...
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    MHB Could you explain me about 'relation algebraic property with conjugate'?

    Thanks! I understand it! F(a)and F(b) are isomorphic so we can think that they have the same algebraic constructure and algebraic properties. Thank you:)
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    MHB Could you explain me about 'relation algebraic property with conjugate'?

    Hello everyone. At first, I appreciate your click this page. I have a book named 'A first Course in Abstract Algebra 7th' by Fraleigh. I have a question about 'relation algebraic property with conjugate' in automorhisms of fields. in page415, this book explains "Let E is algebraic extension...
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    MHB Difficult Improper Integrals in Real Analysis.

    Hello. At first, I want to tell you I'm so sorry because I wrote problems in detail. The problem is judging when the improper integrals are convergent. (i.e., the problem is finding the ranges for the improperintegrals: convergent.) I wrote the problems' solutions I have in my blog. (The file...
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    MHB Difficult Improper Integrals in Real Analysis.

    Hello. I'm studying improper integrals in real analysis. However, two problems are very difficult to me. If you are OK, please help me.(heart) 1.2. I have solutions about above problems. However, I don't know how I approach and find the way for solving them.
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    MHB Ambiguity in the Arc-Tangent Function

    Re: Ambiguity in the Arc Tangent Function At first, thanks for your help. :o I understood your meaning that they have same values consequently. Right? However, arctan(5/(-5)) can't express -ㅠ/4. Thus I can't understand why they are the same.Also,you mentioned about x, y, and quadrant. My...
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    MHB Ambiguity in the Arc-Tangent Function

    This problem is about complex analysis. Why arctan(5/-5) is different from arctan-1(-5/5)? tan-1(5/-5)=3ㅠ/4 +2kㅠ tan-1(-5/5)=-1ㅠ/4+2kㅠ (k :arbtrary integer.) Why can't I calculate just arctan(-1)?I thought that it is related withe tangent peoriod ㅠ not 2ㅠ. However I can't know that exactly...
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    MHB Does Z[root(-3)] Qualify as a GCD Domain?

    Hello. Today I study domains but I have some problems. Please help me. I learned Z[root(-3)] is not UFD. Then Z[root(-3)] is a example about gcd-domain( there exist some elts a,b in domain D such that it does not exist gcd(a,b).) Let a=2, b-1+root(-3) . a and b are not associates and they...
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    MHB Irrational numbers forming dense subset

    Hello. I have some problems with proving this. It is difficult for me. Please help me.:confused: "For arbitrary irrational number a>0, let A={n+ma|n,m are integer.} Show that set A is dense in R(real number)
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    Exploring Mathematical Induction: Impactful Examples and Real Life Applications

    Hello. I'm using phone now. So I can't write in detail. Sorry. You can convince them with "Principle of mathematical Induction. " If you have a book "introduction to real analysis" from Bartle, please see p.12-13. I'm so sorry not to write here in detail. Please click. I uploaded about the...
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    MHB Problem 15 section 5.1 from Bartle

    Thanks! I discussed this problem with my friends today. Including your explanation and my all opinion about this problem, I told them. Also, I really understand and accept all about this problem. I really appreciate you.:o
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    MHB Problem 15 section 5.1 from Bartle

    I understood you meant "there must exist some sequence $y_n\to0$ such that $f(y_n)$ does not converge to $L$ "in my second part does not need to be "there exist some sequence $y_n\to0$ such that $f(y_n)$ does not converge to $M$ ≠ $L$ So my proof needs to add about M. Do I understand your...