Recent content by burntclaw

  1. B

    Programs Help with Physics REU List for Sophomore Female Student

    That makes a lot of sense. I'll keep that in mind in the future when I apply to programs. For this time around, unfortunately I already asked for the recommendations, so I can only delete programs where the professors haven't send the letters of recs to yet (I think...? I'm scared of asking them...
  2. B

    Programs Help with Physics REU List for Sophomore Female Student

    Thanks for the reply! I'm currently extremely interested in doing computational physics research and going to grad school in the future. The schools I've listed have computational physics projects offerings, which is why I'm applying. I'm particularly interested in UMD TREND and LSU...
  3. B

    Programs Help with Physics REU List for Sophomore Female Student

    Hi all, Whoever's reading this, I hope you are well! I'm applying to 12 different physics REUs for the summer and only recently became aware of how competitive they were. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with my current REU list– is the list too unrealistic? Are there other...