Recent content by Brunnun

  1. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    I understand. I will apply myself in these presentations. Well, nothing is certain, but it is good to know that I have options outside (while not without) research. Thank you for your responses jtbell! Have a good one!
  2. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    Is there anyone here with experience/knowledge in/about LACs in Canada? Or LAC-like universities, I am not sure there exist exact correspondents on LACs there. Just curious because my main goal later in life would be to settle in Canada :P
  3. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    Thanks for you response jtbell! Sorry I took a long time, I didn't receive an email for some reason. Anyway, I will try to follow those suggestions. I intend to take my opportunity as a TA during Grad School seriously, and tutoring is one of the first things I will look for after my first...
  4. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    That is interesting Dishsoap! I find it encouraging. Do anyone who replied here have any recommendation as to actions taken during Undergrad and Grad School for a career plan as these? In schools more focused on teaching?
  5. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    I understand. It is indeed a long process, but if I'd be teaching throught it, guess it would be ok. Well, I do intend to earn a PhD (otherwise I guess I wouldn't even be hired by any college), so I don't believe a necessity to research will be a setback for me. Just hope it is not the focus...
  6. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    Thank you for comprehension :) I do indeed believe I fear academia more than research, although industrial research seems too product oriented for me. Again, opinion of someone highly uneducated in the matter If someone here has experience or knowledge on teaching in LACs, and could spare some...
  7. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    I don't want to be understood as a slacker here - I will work hard and do the best I can, and don't intend to sound as I would like something easy. The problem for me is that this level of competeitiveness brings much more than your hard work, talents and skills, it is a lot dependent on luck...
  8. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    It is mainly a childish feel, I believe, as I've not even entered University yet. After everything I've read around about research, it just seems too selective. Meaning I either get a PhD in MIT, and be the best of the best, or I have no chance. That, besides all the struggle it seems for one to...
  9. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    My idea is mostly to stay in the US after Grad School - although it seems highly improbable, considering I'm Brazilian - or, preferably, go live in Canada. My first idea was indeed the LACs, and I was wondering how much Research weights on it, glad to hear that. I do not in any way "fear" or...
  10. Brunnun

    Interested in teaching at the University level

    Hello! Here's the deal: It seems for me, after researching through these and other forums, that one have two (and I'm strongly generalizing here, but you get the drill) career prospects as a teacher in Physics; either to teach at High School, or to teach AND RESEARCH at a Research University. I...
  11. Brunnun

    Astrobiology: Is a PhD a Career Risk?

    I understand... Yes, that was my concern axmls, the same one I have with Physics or Astro. But I guess that's kinda normal Thank you Choppy, hadn't considered that. I think I will wait to finish Undergrad before I really decide anything lol. But do you think one that studies Physics with a...
  12. Brunnun

    Astrobiology: Is a PhD a Career Risk?

    I am probably making a fool of myself asking this here, but having little to no knowledge about the market in Physics (besides what I read in this forum), I would like to know if one is writing a death wish for one's financial life and career when choosing to study Astrobiology. I began...
  13. Brunnun

    Is Studying Physics in Brazil or the US the Right Choice for Me?

    Sorry, didn't see your reply! Unicamp is not my first choice here, but I've heard really good things about it (I just would prefer to stay in Sao Paulo). But thanks for the indication anyway! I indeed know the language, I'm Brazilian (sorry I didn't specify this at first), I'm just wondering if...
  14. Brunnun

    Is Studying Physics in Brazil or the US the Right Choice for Me?

    So the best Physics University in Brazil, provided I get some good research experience, GRE and Letters may give me a good chance in a good Grad School? Thank you for the reply! :)
  15. Brunnun

    Is Studying Physics in Brazil or the US the Right Choice for Me?

    Hey. This question is kinda specific, so I will not be surprised if it is not answered to at all, but any input is appreciated. I'm currently struggling with the possibility of studying Physics as an undergraduate here, at Brazil (Free, top 100 only Physics university, but the technology and...