Recent content by Breo

  1. Breo

    Boundaries and boundary conditions

    I am not sure if this should be posted here. If not I hope you accept my apologizes and the admin move on the post as soon as possible. I am studying manifold with boundaries and boundary conditions in a quantum field theory approach. Could you recommend me books or papers about that? I lack...
  2. Breo

    Why to change from momentum space integrals to spherical coordinate ones?

    I am still wondering haha Do not know for now... tip for clairvoyance?
  3. Breo

    Why to change from momentum space integrals to spherical coordinate ones?

    But why? because I solved loop integrals using dim regularization and other tricks and never used the change of variables. That is why I asked when to use the change of variables instead to keep using my previous methods (Used in many loop computations by some textboks like Peskin's)
  4. Breo

    A question about a computation in a paper of Effective Lagrangian

    I have read something about heavy particles in effective lagrangians. Briefly, looks like this but not at all as it uses fluctuation operators(=propagators?) which formula is as follows: ## \frac{\delta^2 S_{heavy}}{\delta h(x) \delta h (x')} |_{h=h_o} ## you mean smoething about that?
  5. Breo

    Why to change from momentum space integrals to spherical coordinate ones?

    "[...]Change the momentum integrals to spherical coordinates[...]"
  6. Breo

    Why to change from momentum space integrals to spherical coordinate ones?

    So I was asked to compute loop contributions to the Higgs and compute the integrals in spherical coordinates, I gave a look to Halzen book but did not found anything. Why, when and how to make that change?
  7. Breo

    A question about a computation in a paper of Effective Lagrangian

    Thank you very much! Now the last doubt I have about the computations is what allows me to put the propagator in the action (eq.11) and what to remove the kinetic part.
  8. Breo

    A question about a computation in a paper of Effective Lagrangian

    I have doubts if I can do the following as the mass terms would have free ##N_R ## and ## \overline{N_R}## while integrating: ## \frac{1}{2} i (\overline{N_R}\overset{\leftarrow}{\not{\partial}} +\overset{\rightarrow}{\not{\partial}}N_R) ## So, since ##N_R## and ## N_R^C ## have the same...
  9. Breo

    A question about a computation in a paper of Effective Lagrangian

    Can I compute in momentum space and then comeback to position space again freely? Or there is a way to split the ordinary derivative once for right-handed and once for left-handed interactions? if I understood correctly
  10. Breo

    Palatini Formalism Derivations & Ideas: Holst Action

    My fault. Sorry and thank you.
  11. Breo

    Palatini Formalism Derivations & Ideas: Holst Action

    Yes, but I was specially interested in a good textbpok
  12. Breo

    Palatini Formalism Derivations & Ideas: Holst Action

    Where can I find interesting derivations and ideas from the Palatini Formalism like the Holst action?
  13. Breo

    Standard Model Anomalies: right-handed neutrinos

    If you guys could tell me a good textbook about the open problems in SM I would be very grateful.