Recent content by Bosko

  1. Bosko

    I Experimental evidence of the existence of an event horizon

    There is good enough experimental evidence for the existence of a Photon Sphere. Is there clear unequivocal experimental evidence for the existence of an Event Horizon ?
  2. Bosko

    I Does gravity bend gravitational waves?

    Where? Question 1 or 2 ? How ?
  3. Bosko

    I Does gravity bend gravitational waves?

    I didn't find anything relevant to question 2
  4. Bosko

    I Does gravity bend gravitational waves?

    How the gravitational pull of object B "knows" where object A is and vice versa. The path of light is "straight" in curved space-time. I understand your post but I don't understand how that direction can be determined
  5. Bosko

    I Does gravity bend gravitational waves?

    The direction should be orthogonal (at 90 degrees) to the gravity wave front. Both electromagnetic and gravitational waves move at the same speed through the same curved space-time.
  6. Bosko

    I Does gravity bend gravitational waves?

    Reading the article, GRAVITY BENDING GRAVITY: ARE ANY OF THE O3A LIGOVIRGO DETECTIONS GRAVITATIONALLY LENSED? I think about the following two questions: 1. Gravity bends light and all other electromagnetic waves. Does it also bend gravitational waves? 2. Does gravity change the direction of...
  7. Bosko

    I Which theory of time is the most evidence-based?

    Space-time is a coordinate system. There are 4 numbers for each coordinate. Three for space and one for time. Some laconic answer would be that, like any coordinate system, it consists of points. In the theory of relativity, these points (four numbers) are called events. If you're looking for a...
  8. Bosko

    I Which theory of time is the most evidence-based?

    Time and space as separate categories are a relic from the time before the theory of relativity. These are philosophical questions from 120 years ago. Now they don't make sense because space and time are not basic concepts. You should define more precisely what it means that something exists...
  9. Bosko

    I Tennis Probabilities Challenge

    In my opinion two parameters are needed: p - the probability that the first (red) player wins on his serve q - for the other player (blue) to win on his serve Of course: 1-p and 1-q are the corresponding "loss" probabilities Here (tennis.svg) is a graph drawn in Inkscape (SVG format) if...
  10. Bosko

    I Mathematical problem with Schwarzschild spacetime?

    In general, if you have a system of differential equations with the property that space-time must be smooth everywhere, then a solution that is not smooth everywhere is suspicious. The only thing I found that has no proof in Schwarzschild's solution is: That a massive spherical object can be...
  11. Bosko

    I Mathematical problem with Schwarzschild spacetime?

    @PeterDonis, @Dale Thank you.
  12. Bosko

    I Mathematical problem with Schwarzschild spacetime?

    Look definition of the coordinate chart .
  13. Bosko

    I Mathematical problem with Schwarzschild spacetime?

    Is not with the Schwarzschild coordinates. If I understand you correctly, this would violate the very definition of the coordinate chart because of the diffeomorphism property .
  14. Bosko

    I Mathematical problem with Schwarzschild spacetime?

    Why is not ? Ok It should be smooth everywhere You are using a circular argument.