Recent content by bjb406

  1. B

    Interpretting the cosmological constant

    I am trying to wrap my brain around the idea of the cosmological constant, and how it gives the result of an accelerating universe. I have read different explanations for it, and in some it gives me the impression that it is an actual physical force, pushing everything away from everything...
  2. B

    Calculating energy released during fusion reactions

    It looks to me like you are interpreting the problem as if the extra 2 protons are being created just from energy. I assume in this problem the reaction is a carbon 12 atom combining with an alpha particle to make oxygen. You just have to calculate the difference in mass of the oxygen from the...
  3. B

    Statistical Mechanics: particle density of an atmosphere

    Homework Statement I am supposed use stat mech to find the particle density in Earth's atmosphere given only the particle mass, and temperature, and the planet's mass I guess. And I don't really know where to begin. Obviously I need to use the grand canonical ensemble but I don't know where to...