Recent content by BigDon

  1. B

    Did I Throw Away A Valuable Resource? Biochar From Used Aquarium Carbon?

    As an avid gardener and aquarist I felt like a colossal fool after reading on the subject of a near permanent fertilizer, biochar. Used by South Americans for millennia. A lot of people balk at using it because soaking charcoal in urine for a month seems a bit outre to them. And while reading...
  2. B

    What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

    Well, this is my last time logging in here. I have one or two more posts I'd like to share, then it's back into the Void with me. I have to quit, doctor's orders. Too many flashy things here I don't normally deal with, as I normally cruise the 'net with every bell and whistle turned off, but...
  3. B

    COVID "High" dose of steroids in mild infection may lead to viral pneumonia?

    So in India it's emerging that people who've been treated with steroids, especially diabetics, are developing a horrible fungal disease called mucormycosis. Unlike even the worst strains of Covid, this has a death rate of 50% with treatment! Utterly...
  4. B

    3D Cinema Glasses: An Unsolved Personal Experience

    Wow! Anulinda's post induced a severe reation! Jumping jellybeans!
  5. B

    3D Cinema Glasses: An Unsolved Personal Experience

    I take sumatriptan to knock down migraine auras. Takes 40 minutes, like clockwork. Ironically, sumatriptan gives me severe sinus headaches, but the trade off is well worth it.
  6. B

    Is expired condom safe to use?

    It's not the lube that expires. That's almost always silicon based. It's the integrity of the latex that expires. So this is sort of a false dichotomy.
  7. B

    What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

    Why do condoms come in different sizes when a "regular" one can fit over the average person's head? (I've done it) What are we dealing with here?
  8. B

    What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

    And I'd like to thank Pinball for proving my point. Thank you sir.
  9. B

    What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

    Not just midwives. Depending where you live there are people with legal authority to tell you "No, you can't name your child that!"
  10. B

    Sea Slug Head Amputates and then Regenerates Body

    Exactly what I was thinking!
  11. B

    What is the newest installment of 'Random Thoughts' on Physics Forums?

    Any one but me find it impossible to find a nice article on the greenhouse effect... That actually takes place in greenhouses? (And cars, bottles and apartments with really big windows...) The signal to noise ratio is incredible!
  12. B

    Sea Slug Head Amputates and then Regenerates Body

    But then the mystery becomes is the regeneration powered by stored nutrients or organics pulled out of the environment.
  13. B

    Sea Slug Head Amputates and then Regenerates Body

    Were I to guess I'd say the head area alone is small enough for direct diffusion of oxygen, so the heart wouldn't be needed until more mass is gained.
  14. B

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    I almost hit "report" by mistake.
  15. B

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    He: Do you like Kipling? She: I don't know. I've never Kippled...