Recent content by Big Tommy C

  1. Big Tommy C

    Lifting a mass from a point that is offset from its center of gravity

    Awesome, I understand now. Thanks for the help on this guys!
  2. Big Tommy C

    Lifting a mass from a point that is offset from its center of gravity

    Good Evening Everyone. I am having trouble wrapping my head around the physics involved with the example below. At first i was looking at this as if lifting may create a lever of some sort, but I don't believe it has a fulcrum. I am trying to find a formula (if there is one) for lifting a mass...
  3. Big Tommy C

    Calculating Valve Size With a Hydraulic Accumulator

    These are the parameters I have. Mass 5000lbs Final velocity at 18 inches 8.714 MPH with an acceleration of 16.5956 m/s2 in 0.234732 seconds Free fall point 18 to 36 inches initial velocity of 8.714 MPH with and acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 creates a final velocity of 10.99 MPH in 0.103823 seconds...
  4. Big Tommy C

    Calculating Valve Size With a Hydraulic Accumulator

    jrmichler This project is still in the theoretical stage, I have yet to do stress simulations thus far as I am still trying to understand the math behind solving the valve size issue. I completely understand the concern about the energy produced, the application is designed to transfer the...
  5. Big Tommy C

    Calculating Valve Size With a Hydraulic Accumulator

    jrmichler, thank you for the reply. This is not quite the valve configuration I have provided an example below. The valve will only flow in one direction, using the logic valve circuit will allocate one valve to extend and one to retract on each port, 4 vales total for 2 directional movement...
  6. Big Tommy C

    Calculating Valve Size With a Hydraulic Accumulator

    Hello, Hope everyone is doing well. I have a personal project I am working on and am trying to figure out the nature of the hydraulic system. I want to size a valve to the system properly and have been reading a lot about the Cv value. I don't fully understand how to implement this value into...
  7. Big Tommy C

    Force to accelerate an object downward faster than g

    Yes Lnewqban I had this question a while back, I appreciate the response. I was able to derive that by simply adding the weight of the load plus the force required to accelerate it on a vector would give me my final total F requirement.
  8. Big Tommy C

    Force to accelerate an object downward faster than g

    Hello all. I am trying to understand the math behind this and keep getting stuck. If I want to accelerate and object downward,lets say 16 inches in 0.1655 seconds , that would be faster acceleration than gravity. I think 29.67 m/s2, so if I calculate force to accelerate at that rate downward...
  9. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    Yes the 0.5 seconds is not a absolute number, I was more trying to work through the math, this machine design will have adjustable heights, this is the maximum displacement and will probably realistically be in the 1 second + range, as for the valve, this is not a spool valve, it will be run...
  10. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    jrmichler. Well said sir, so basically I planned on keep this a constant acceleration via flow control rather than pressure control, the system will run at 3000 psi, and should not need any advanced electronics or servo valves, I already encounter equipment in my field that exceeds these...
  11. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    Yes to answer everyone's replies, I was in the field today when I posted this and made an error from my original design, the minimum displacement of the weight will be 0.9144 meters, sorry about that, and I think I found the same answer simply by doing my f=ma and then adding the weight of the...
  12. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    Yessir, the force needed to achieve this can be done with hydraulics as long as you take everything into consideration and design the system appropriately, accumulators can be used to generate massive flows at high pressure and so forth
  13. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    So yes upon further consideration I do need it to stop roughly around that height I was planning on leaving a little more height above for decelerating but I hadn't yet taken Into account the deceleration distance
  14. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    The mass will be driven via a hydraulic cylinder, the hydraulic system will shift into a "neutral and the mass will decelerate, I think I miscalculated the acceleration earlier, but yes gravity will stop it.
  15. Big Tommy C

    Force required to accelerate upward against gravity

    So my equation should be 1814(9.8+9.8) and then multiply that by 1.291 meters?