Recent content by bhs67

  1. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    Good point! At my last project, inadvertently blowing up an oil refinery was not an option! The 0201 resistor is a tiny size. They may make them smaller now. A lightning strike can create a voltage pulse, that can misdirect the micro firmware, which could misdirect the micro output. When...
  2. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    I've used lots of MSP430's. I never realized they have internal pull-up / pull-down resistors. I never used them (I used SPI for communication). When a FET is connected to a micro output pin, I always put a pull-up on the gate of a P Channel FET and a pull-down on the gate of an N Channel...
  3. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    Thinking more about this, when pull-ups and pull-downs are attached to the electronics, they are active immediately when power is applied. Waiting for a micro to enable them is too late.
  4. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    I've designed electronics and written code for microprocessors and microcontroller for more than 40 years (Texas Instruments, 3M, Emerson). I'm curious, which microcontroller has internal pull-ups and pull-downs? Thanks!
  5. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    I'm not aware of any pull-up resistors and pull-down resistors inside a microcontroller. Pull-up resistors and pull-down resistors are attached as part of the electronic hardware design. There are no switches to enable / disable them (switches would add cost and consume real estate). See for...
  6. B

    How do pull up and pull down resistors remove electrical noise?

    This link => Electronics is Easy? => 5.1 Digital Component Basics --- and 3.5 FETs (Field Effect Transistors) --- describe the role of pull-up and pull-down resistors.
  7. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    Ok, I found the EE forum. Is there a way to change the title of my posts? "Retired" provides no useful info. Thanks!
  8. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    I do not see an EE forum at Where is it?
  9. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    Everything is important! In addition, a "thorough" understanding of the basics helps with the understanding of more advanced components / technology!
  10. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    A lot of what you mention is in the various video clips, including PCB layout. There are about 90 video clips!
  11. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    Thanks for the kind words! This website provides a link to the electronics video clips. They will give you a distinct advantage!
  12. B

    What are the approximate harmonic amplitudes for a trumpet vs flute?

    I understand. Yes, there will be different harmonics. However, what harmonics / amplitudes make a trumpet sound like a trumpet, and a flute sound like a flute?
  13. B

    What are the approximate harmonic amplitudes for a trumpet vs flute?

    A trumpet playing 440 Hz sounds different than a flute playing 440 Hz. They sound different because they generate different harmonic amplitudes. To analyze, I am using MuseScore to create the trumpet sound and the flute sound. Unfortunately, those instruments have vibrato which adds...
  14. B

    Electronic video clips that are not common knowledge, yet crucial

    A good example of theory can be found at These are equations that are never used in industry. Industry needs people who understand capacitors: 1) The voltage ratings must always be twice the applied voltage...