Recent content by BhreaghI

  1. BhreaghI

    Your Thoughts on the Most Sustainable 8x15 Trailer for Cold Climates

    I use the term as cultural more than racial, all I mean is I am fiiiiine with bare bones in terms of housing.
  2. BhreaghI

    Your Thoughts on the Most Sustainable 8x15 Trailer for Cold Climates

    I've done quite a bit of winter camping in the North. I hunt and I grew up in an Aboriginal community where I gained a lot of bare bones survival techniques. I'm a survivor- I'll be alright, don't worry. ;)
  3. BhreaghI

    Your Thoughts on the Most Sustainable 8x15 Trailer for Cold Climates

    Thanks for the advice! I'm a pretty big hermit other than having my boyfriend over now and again, I don't get too lonely. I am also planning on living in/near a community of individuals with similar lifestyles. I understand though, none of my family cd live this lifestyle. The reason I'm on this...
  4. BhreaghI

    Your Thoughts on the Most Sustainable 8x15 Trailer for Cold Climates

    I am trying to design an extremely efficient and sustainable, roadworthy, mobile house(on a trailer) for use in Canada's North. The climate this house will be located in is -50 degrees Celsius lows in the winter, and +30 Celsius highs in the summer. Very high wind all year round. 24 hr daylight...