Recent content by Ben S

  1. Ben S

    I How Does Distance to Proxima Centauri Affect Simultaneous Events?

    Referring to this statement: "Proxima Centauri is approximately four light-years away. For any particular event on Earth, there is an eight-year span of events on Proxima Centauri that could count as simultaneous with it, depending on your reference frame." How does the distance between Earth...
  2. Ben S

    I How Can I Improve My 2D Newtonian Gravity Simulator?

    It's been a few weeks since the last post because I've been busy with school and searching for internships, but I made some progress on collision detecting. Know an internship position I would fit in? Let me know! I added an option that allows you to set how much kinetic energy is conserved in...
  3. Ben S

    I How Can I Improve My 2D Newtonian Gravity Simulator?

    I learned today that the animation runs a lot smoother on my university's lab computers, so I added a function that allows you to set the number of planets in the simulation and it randomly generates initial positions and velocities. The animation ran smoothly with up to 200 planets so I might...
  4. Ben S

    I How Can I Improve My 2D Newtonian Gravity Simulator?

    Cool. If you want to take a look at this program, I attached the code.
  5. Ben S

    I How Can I Improve My 2D Newtonian Gravity Simulator?

    Thanks. I made this simulator for fun. The only real validation that I've done was checking the orbital periods of the planets after inputting the initial positions and velocities of the planets using data recorded by NASA JPL. Some error is expected because the acceleration is assumed to be...
  6. Ben S

    I How Can I Improve My 2D Newtonian Gravity Simulator?

    I recently put together a simple 2D gravity simulator and I'd like to get some feedback or suggestions you may have for future updates. I'm planning to make a 3D version and improve the animation (framerate, realism, etc). This first simulation includes the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars...
  7. Ben S

    Thermodynamics - property relationship of 2 systems

    Homework Statement A pure substance is placed into two containers of the same volume. Container 1 has twice the mass of pure substance of Container 2. After the containers are shut and both reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, what do we know about: a) the pressure of Container 1...