Recent content by bemortu

  1. B

    Nozzle loss coefficient that increases with Reynolds number?

    Hi, I started to think about the drag coefficient of a sphere. At high Reynolds number Cd drops of suddenly when the boundary layer separates. If the Reynolds number is increased further, Cd increases with increasing Re. (I'm thinking about what is referred to as "post critical separated flow")...
  2. B

    Uniform pdf from difference of two stochastic variables?

    Yes, that's one of the things I already tried. The problem is that I didn't manage to calculate that inverse Fourier transform. I tried it with Mathematica, which could not find an analytical solution. I also tried the numerical inverse Fourier transform in Mathematica but it also failed. Maybe...
  3. B

    Uniform pdf from difference of two stochastic variables?

    Hi, I'm trying to find a probability distribution (D) with the following property: Given two independent stochastic variables X1 and X2 from the distribution D, I want the difference Y=X1-X2 to have a uniform distribution (one the interval [0,1], say). I don't seem to be able to solve it...
  4. B

    How Can Gravity and Diffusion Be Modeled in a Two-Gas System?

    Hi. I've thought for some time about a problem that I'm not able to solve (to my own surprise). We have closed container, say a relatively high cylinder, placed vertically. In it are two gases of different density enclosed. Obviously the lighter one will 'fleet' and stay on top of the...
  5. B

    How do you determine how fast an item sinks in water ?

    Hi. You can start from the following equation for the drag force F_D=C_DA \frac{\rho v^2}{2} Here v is the speed og the object and \rho is the density of the water. A is the referense area used to define the drag coefficient C_D, usually the projected cross-section area in the direction...