Recent content by Barracuda

  1. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    Thank you all for your support. I'll be discontinuing my messages to the thread as all that needs to be said has already been said, and I've been given more than enough wisdom to be successful. Exams are in a month's time, I pray not to let you and most importantly my self and my parents down...
  2. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I've done three tests, I wrote what I knew in the first two, I wasn't fully prepared for the third. I was terrified and depressed, that's why I haven't been uploading. It won't happen again, persistence and consistency are another word for faith i.e if there is no faith, you wouldn't persist...
  3. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I'm taking five 3 units, and four 2 units. That is a total of 23 units i.e the peak total credit load of a semester.
  4. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    That's how it is from the first year to the last.
  5. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    There are nine course, and are all STEM. But concepts are spread out over 4 years i.e Electro magnetism 1, 2, 3, 4. I had ADHD, I was never quiet, up until late last year. I locked myself up in a room, and gave my friend the keys, I slept, I woke up, I did this as often as possible, and my mind...
  6. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I always liked physics growing up. My favorite youtuber has always been vsauce. It's because of him I went into physics in the first place. Somewhere along the line, I got discouraged by the sheer amount of studying I needed to do to pass my exams, I just thought everyone was made differently...
  7. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    That's what I've been using, rather than forced memorization, I read about half a page, and explain it in my own words out loud, if i make a mistake, I go back to the material. When I've got the concept down, I write a brief summary down on my jotter which I read later to review.
  8. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    Yes sir, noted. I will focus more on recalling rather than rereading.
  9. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I try to remind myself as often as possible, that I'm not smart. Not to bring my self down, but as a reminder that I have to work harder than everyone else. I fail, and forget that sometimes. I might have to paste it on my wall.
  10. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I took the advise, and I follow it daily. I was comparing myself to someone else. Which I shouldn't have done. Moving forward, I'll contrast myself to only myself, and make sure i see progress. Thank you for the much needed reminder, and alignment again sir.
  11. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    I was slipping to old habits i.e expecting the result without the process. That's why I never saw progress in the first place. Thank you, I needed the alignment.
  12. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    Yes, Thank you. I was ranting. I was being unreasonable. When I try to recall what I've read during study sessions, I'm able to do so, not perfectly, but the more I try to recall, the more i discover gaps in my understanding. Since exams are an extension of my study sessions. Ultimately, the...
  13. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    Hello, I tried attaching concepts to diagrams. In my case, it doesn't apply to all courses I'm having. So I'm making use of rote memorization, and flash cards. School has resumed, currently I have covered a lot out of the syllabuses of the courses. I still feel I'm lagging, because for example...
  14. Barracuda

    Looking for advice to improve my grades in my Senior year at university

    Hello everyone, A quick update. I'm still on the project, I've developed a study habit, I've managed to reduce some of my distractions (mostly my smartphone...i bought a small basic phone which i have with me almost all the time, and deleted most of the apps on my smartphone). Looking back, I...
  15. Barracuda

    How do I obtain a set of orthogonal polynomials up to the 7th term?

    I'm using Gram-Schmidt. I'll type it out using Latex